Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 1 - 30 of 459 results 20/30 located on map
Harbel Community Organization, Inc.
HARBEL Prevention and Recovery Center
(410) 444-2100
5807 Harford Road , Baltimore, MD 21214Food pantry available, substance use treatment, and workshops for those looking to purchase their first home available as well.
CASA de Maryland (CASA de Maryland)
(866) 765-2272
2706 Pulaski Highway , Baltimore, MD 21224CASA offers information and services for housing, employment, immigration, health, job training, and more. (Se habla espanol)
Maryland Emergency Food Assistance Program (Programa de Asistencia Alimentaria de Emergencia de Maryland)
Maryland Dept. of Human Services
Find food assistance near you.
Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore County (HCH-BC)
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
(443) 703-1468
9150 Franklin Square Dr, Suite 301 , Baltimore, MD 21237Health care services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar se ofrecen aquí! -
Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore City
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
(410) 837-5533
421 The Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202Healthcare services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar que se ofrecen aquí! -
Health Care for the Homeless- West Baltimore
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
2000 W. Baltimore St., Suite 3300 , Baltimore, MD 21223Health care services for homeless people available here!
Asylee Women Enterprise (Se Habla Español) (AWE)
Asylee Women Enterprise
(443) 850-0627
4500 Frankford Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21206Provide variety of necessary care to asylum seekers.
40 West Assistance and Referral Center
(410) 233-4357
4711 Edmondson Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21229The Center provides food and material assistance to people in need.
Action in Maturity (AIM)
(410) 889-7915
2601 N. Howard St #150 , Baltimore, MD 21218Action in Maturity provides transportation, outreach, and social services for Baltimore’s adults over age 55. The non-profit organization offers trips of request, weekly grocery trips, and bus trips for a small fee ranging from $3-$12.** Appointment should be made at least two weeks in advance.** Call 410 889 7915 to schedule appointments or ask for more details about trips.
Loving Arms
Loving Arms Incorporated
(443) 415-1174
3313 Oakfield Avenue , Gwynn Oak, MD 21207Provides mentoring and referral services for children with incarcerated parents.
Brinda servicios de tutoría y referencia para niños con padres encarcelados. -
Baltimore Rescue Mission: Karis Home
Baltimore Rescue Mission
(410) 342-1323
1228 E Baltimore St , Baltimore, MD 21202Emergency shelter for homeless women and children for up to 30 consecutive nights.
Refugio de emergencia para mujeres y niños sin hogar por hasta 30 noches consecutivas. -
Baltimore Rescue Mission: Men's Division
Baltimore Rescue Mission
(410) 342-2533
4 North Central Ave , Baltimore, MD 21202Emergency overnight shelter for homeless men ages 18+.
Refugio nocturno de emergencia para hombres sin hogar mayores de 18 años.* -
Night of Peace Shelter
Night of Peace Family Shelter, Incorporared
(410) 922-4357
7509 Windsor Mill Road , Windsor Mill, MD 21244Provides emergency shelter, case management, meals, laundry, and shower facilities for families with children only*Referral needed.
*Brinda refugio de emergencia, administración de casos, comidas, lavandería y duchas solo para familias con niños. -
Helping Up Mission
(410) 675-7500
1029 East Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Overnight bed for any homeless man who needs shelter for the night.
Cama de noche para cualquier hombre sin hogar que necesite cobijo para pasar la noche. -
Ethel Elan Safe Haven
(410) 732-1390
2304 Belair Rd , Baltimore, MD 21213Transitional shelter for men and women who are at least 18 years old, not pregnant, and have no children.
Refugio de transición para hombres y mujeres que tienen al menos 18 años, no están embarazadas y no tienen hijos. -
Baltimore COVID-19 Asset Map
(410) 396-4804
Use this map to find resources in the Baltimore Area! Usa este mapa para ver recursos en la area de Baltimore.
Gift of Hope
Gift of Hope Missionaries of Charity
(410) 732-6056
818 North Collington Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21205Provides transitional housing and comfort care for terminal clients who are 60+, drug-free, non-smokers, and can use a chairlift.
Provea vivienda de transición y cuidado de la comodidad para clientes terminales que tienen más de 60 años, no fuman, no fuman y pueden usar un telesilla. -
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund provides financial assistance for wage-replacement workers like servers and delivery drivers, as well as sub-minimum wage workers.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund brinda asistencia financiera para trabajadores de reemplazo de salarios, como servidores y conductores de entrega, así como trabajadores con salarios inferiores al mínimo. -
B'more for Healthy Babies (BHB)
Baltimore City Health Department
BHB offer programs on childcare, access to food, and other resources to help keep babies and kids healthy.
BHB ofrece programas sobre cuidado infantil, acceso a alimentos y otros recursos para ayudar a mantener saludables a los bebés y los niños. -
Charm City Care Connection
(443) 478-3015
1212 N. Wolfe Street , Baltimore, MD 21213Provides case management, syringe services, and other substance use needs.
Brinda administración de casos, servicios de jeringas y otras necesidades de uso de sustancias. -
Allover Healthcare Community Housing
Allover Healthcare Community
(443) 759-8827 x 1
5450 Reisterstown Road, Suite 304 , Baltimore, MD 21215Provides psychiatric rehabilitation programs for adults and minors to help them transition from the hospital back into the community.
Ofrece programas de rehabilitación psiquiátrica para adultos y menores para ayudarlos en la transición del hospital a la comunidad. -
St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center
(410) 366-8550
321 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Provides housing programs like home-sharing, counseling, legal services, and vacant house renovation to low-income Baltimore residents.
Ofrece programas de vivienda como vivienda compartida, asesoramiento, servicios legales y renovación de viviendas desocupadas para residentes de bajos ingresos de Baltimore. -
Disaster Distress Helpline (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(800) 985-5990
A hotline for people who need emotional support after a disaster.
Una línea directa para personas que necesitan apoyo emocional después de un desastre. -
Baltimore City Health Department Chronic Disease Prevention (Se Habla Español - Prevención de Enfermedades Crónicas del Departamento de Salud de la Ciudad de Baltimore)
Baltimore City Health Department
Programs available to help with quitting smoking/tobacco products (Programas disponibles para ayudar a dejar de fumar/productos de tabaco).
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Se Habla Español)
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(800) 273-8255
988 hotline to support people experiencing thoughts of suicide or emotional distress. Call 988 or 1-800-273-8255. (Línea para ayudar a las personas que estan experimentando pensamientos de suicidio 1-666-628-9454).
Baltimore Action Legal Team - Jail Support Hotline
Baltimore Action Legal Team (BALT)
(410) 202-2323
1601 Guilford Avenue, 2 South , Baltimore, MD 21202Jail support hotline in the Baltimore area.
Línea directa de apoyo a la cárcel en el área de Baltimore. -
Maryland Health Connection
Maryland Health Benefit Exchange
(855) 642-8572
Website to enroll in Maryland health insurance.
Sitio web para inscribirse en el seguro de salud de Maryland. -
Home Isolation Instructions
Baltimore City Health Department
Visit the website for instructions on what to do after COVID-19 testing.
Visite el sitio web para obtener instrucciones sobre qué hacer después de la prueba de COVID-19. -
Marian House I (Headquarters)
Marian House
(410) 467-4121
949 Gorsuch Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218A transitional and permanent housing and support services program. (Un programa de servicios de apoyo y vivienda transitoria y permanente.)
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
(410) 396-2273
Maryland Access Point is providing food-centered services for older adults and adults with disabilities in Baltimore City.