Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 121 - 135 of 135 results 11/15 located on map
CVS Pharmacy
COVID-19 Resources
CVS Pharmacy is providing FREE medication delivery services.
CVS proporciona la distribución GRATUITA para pedidos de recetas. -
Franciscan Center (Se Habla Español)
Franciscan Center
(410) 467-5340
101 W. 23rd Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Free meals, case management, COVID testing, and homeless services here.
Comidas gratis, manejo de casos y servicios para personas sin hogar aquí. -
Weinberg Housing Resource Center (WHRC)
Catholic Charities of Baltimore City
(667) 600-3230
620 Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202WHRC provides emergency shelter and food to individuals experiencing homelessness.
WHRC proporciona refugio de emergencia y alimentos a personas sin hogar. -
Humble Beginnings Treatment Center
Humble Beginnings Recovery
(443) 467-4203
3935 Southern Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21206Housing and treatment for substance use disorders offered here. (Vivienda y tratamiento para trastornos por uso de sustancias)
COVID Telephonic Call Lines
Maryland COVID 19 Call Lines
List of telephone hotlines that offer a variety of resource help.
Lista de lineas telefonicas para ayuda con varios recursos. -
The Access Partnership (SALUD -- Se Habla Español)
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
(410) 502-8408
1000 E. Eager Street , Baltimore, MD 21202TAP provides access to medically necessary primary and specialty care to uninsured residents. (TAP ayuda a personas sin seguro medico con acceso a atención medica).
Manna House
Manna House, Inc.
(410) 889-3001
435 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Offering breakfast Monday-Friday from 8am-10:15am.
Se ofrece desayuno de lunes a viernes de 8am a 10:15am. -
City of Refuge (Se habla español)
City of Refuge
(410) 355-6707
3501 7th Street , Baltimore, MD 21225City of refuge provides free food on Mondays,Wenesdays and Thursdays.If its your 1st time bring your ID. See below for more information!
City of refuge proporciona comida gratis durante la semana. Lea a continuación para más información! -
Start Your Recovery
Resources related to substance use disorders and addiction found here.
Los recursos relacionados con los trastornos por uso de sustancias y la adicción se encuentran aquí. -
B'more for Healthy Babies (BHB)
Baltimore City Health Department
BHB offer programs on childcare, access to food, and other resources to help keep babies and kids healthy.
BHB ofrece programas sobre cuidado infantil, acceso a alimentos y otros recursos para ayudar a mantener saludables a los bebés y los niños. -
Health Care for the Homeless- West Baltimore
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
2000 W. Baltimore St., Suite 3300 , Baltimore, MD 21223Health care services for homeless people available here!
Project PLASE
Project PLASE, Inc.
(410) 837-1400
3601 Old Frederick Road , Baltimore, MD 21229Offering food, housing, and support services for individuals without a home.
Servicio ofreciendo comida y vivienda para personas que no tiene casa -
Face Inc. Baltimore (F.A.C.E Baltimore)
Face Baltimore, Inc.
(410) 522-3223
1564 Sheffield Road , Baltimore, MD 21218Re-entry, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Provider.
Proveedor de servicios de reingreso, abuso de sustancias y salud mental. -
Meals on Wheels (Se Habla Español)
Meals On Wheels, Central MD, Inc.
(410) 558-0827
515 South Haven Street , Baltimore, MD 21224Meals on Wheels provides meal and grocery delivery.
Civic Works
Food Rescue Baltimore
(410) 826-5955
2701 St. Lo Drive , Baltimore, MD 21213$15 worth of fresh groceries delivered to your home for Seniors only. Elder services, help with housing, and energy assistance also available here.
$15 de alimentos frescos llevado ha su hogar. Mayores de edad solamente!