Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 91 - 120 of 135 results 22/30 located on map
Innterim Gardens
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 887-8463
112 Sudbrook Lane , Pikesville, MD 21208Provides a short term, safe place to live for families with disabilities while receiving supportive services to move from homelessness to housing.
Proporciona seguro para vivir a corto plazo para familias con discapacidades mientras reciben servicios de apoyo para pasar de la falta de vivienda a la vivienda. -
Heritage Treatment Center (HTC)
(443) 873-9389
4200 Edmondson Avenue, Suite 102, In the Village Medical Center , Baltimore, MD 21229Opioid treatment program and behavioral health treatment services.
Programa de tratamiento de opioides y servicios de tratamiento de salud conductual. -
Therapeutic Wellness Services (West Side)
Therapeutic Wellness Services, Corp.
(410) 466-0127
4909 Liberty Heights Avenue , Gwynn Oak, MD 21207Transitional housing and treatment for substance use disorders offered here. (Vivienda de transición y tratamiento para trastornos por uso de sustancias)
Therapeutic Wellness Services (East Side)
Therapeutic Wellness Services, Corp.
(410) 665-3000
6801 Belair Road , Baltimore, MD 21206Transitional housing and treatment for substance use disorders offered here. (Vivienda de transición y tratamiento para trastornos por uso de sustancias)
Wylie Funeral Home
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 462-4070
701 N. Mount Street , Baltimore, MD 21217Low cost burials, special funeral plans and arrangements during COVID-19.
Funerales bajo costo, y planes especiales durante COVID-19. -
GAM Counseling Services
(410) 262-7455
1 East Chase Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Substance abuse recovery residence.
Baltimore City Head Start (Head Start)
Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success
(443) 226-3969
Free child services like daycare or preschool for those who qualify.
Servicios gratis como guardería para familias con niños que califican. -
Baltimore Rescue Mission: Men's Division
Baltimore Rescue Mission
(410) 342-2533
4 North Central Ave , Baltimore, MD 21202Emergency overnight shelter for homeless men ages 18+.
Refugio nocturno de emergencia para hombres sin hogar mayores de 18 años.* -
Baltimore COVID-19 Asset Map
(410) 396-4804
Use this map to find resources in the Baltimore Area! Usa este mapa para ver recursos en la area de Baltimore.
Our Daily Bread Center
Catholic Charities of Baltimore City
(667) 600-3400
725 Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202Our Daily Bread is providing breakfast and lunch meals daily, employment services, on-site support, tele-support, and referrals to other services across Baltimore city.
Weatherization (Se habla español -- Climatización)
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
Weatherization programs can help with insulation, hot water system improvements, furnace repair or replacement, renewable energy systems, and other health and safety enhancement.
Programas de climatización pueden ayudar con mejoras de salud y seguridad. -
Salvation Army of Central Maryland
Salvation Army, Baltimore Area Command
(410) 783-2920
814 Light Street , Baltimore, MD 21230Food Pantry by appointment only. Call to set up an appointment.
Disaster Distress Helpline (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(800) 985-5990
A hotline for people who need emotional support after a disaster.
Una línea directa para personas que necesitan apoyo emocional después de un desastre. -
The Rebuild, Overcome and Rise Center (SEGURIDAD) (ROAR Center)
University of Maryland Baltimore
(410) 706-2781
Resource center and hot line to help support survivors of violence.
Centro de recursos y linea directa para apoyar sobrevivientes de violencia. -
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute Van (BHLI Van)
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute
(443) 738-4731
301 E. Eager Street, Outside Baltimore Central Booking and Intake Center , Baltimore, MD 21202Providing opioid use disorder services in-person.
Prestación de servicios para el trastorno por consumo de opioides en persona. -
Be a Chef for a Day (Ser cocinero por un día)
Italian Cultural Center of Maryland
(410) 547-9934
315 Homeland Southway , Baltimore, MD 21212Be a Chef for a Day program provides hot meals and shelf-stable products (Da comidas calientes y productos de larga conservación)
Medstar Union Memorial Pharmacy
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 554-2557
201 E. University Pkwy, Johnston Professional Bldg. , Baltimore, MD 21218Medstar Union Memorial Pharmacy is now offering FREE delivery within 5 miles of most of their pharmacies.
La farmacia está ofreciendo entrega GRATUITAS dentro de cinco millas. -
Alzheimer's Association: Greater Maryland Chapter (Se habla español)
Alzheimer's Association, Greater Maryland
(800) 272-3900
1850 York Rd Suite D, Suite D , Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093The Alzheimer's Association's FREE helpline 800-272-3900 is staffed by specialists and clinicians who offer confidential support and information.
La línea de ayuda GRATUITA es 800-272-3900 -
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (Se habla español) (DBSA)
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
(800) 826-3632
DBSA offers FREE virtual support groups for people with depression and bipolar disorder.
Grupos de apoyo virtuales GRATUITOS para personas con depresión y trastorno bipolar. -
SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot
USDA Food and Nutrition Services
(800) 221-5689
Multiple retailers are now accepting **SNAP payments online in Maryland. See list below.
*Múltiples tiendas **estan acceptando pagos en línea de SNAP en Maryland.* -
Baltimore Rescue Mission: Karis Home
Baltimore Rescue Mission
(410) 342-1323
1228 E Baltimore St , Baltimore, MD 21202Emergency shelter for homeless women and children for up to 30 consecutive nights.
Refugio de emergencia para mujeres y niños sin hogar por hasta 30 noches consecutivas. -
Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (SEGURIDAD - Se habla español)
Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault
(301) 328-7023
Organization offering resources and information for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Recursos y información para sobrevivientes de agresión sexual y violencia doméstica. -
B.E. Able Recovery Resources
B.E Able Recovery Sources LLC
(844) 410-2253
127 S. Broadway , Baltimore, MD 21231IOP/OP services and residential housing for men recovering from substance abuse.
Brindar servicios de IOP/OP y vivienda residencial para hombres que se recuperan del abuso de sustancias. -
Night by Night Shelter
211 Maryland
(410) 386-6679
127 Stoner Avenue , Westminster, MD 21157Overnight shelter for people over 18 experiencing homelessness.
Refugio nocturno para personas mayores de 18 años sin hogar. -
Senior Call Check Program (Se Habla Español)
Maryland Department of Aging
(866) 502-0560
301 West Preston Street Suite 1007 , Baltimore, MD 21201**FREE **program that checks in on senior MD residents by placing a daily telephone call to participants at a regularly scheduled time.
Programa gratuito de llamadas para residentes mayores. -
Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc. (Se Habla Español) (BCRI)
Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc.
(410) 433-5255
5124 Greenwich Ave , Baltimore, MD 21229BCRI is a comprehensive crisis center offering admissions to its crisis residential units and housing, along with other mental health resources. (Centro de crisis).
Turning Corners - Bel Air
Turning Corners Inc.
(410) 893-3896
260 Gateway Dr Suite 15-16A , Bel Air, MD 21014Outpatient alcohol and drug abuse treatment facility.
Centro de tratamiento de abuso de alcohol y drogas para pacientes ambulatorios. -
Turning Corners - Parkville
Turning Corners Inc.
(410) 893-3896
8831 Satyr Hill Road , Parkville, MD 21234Outpatient alcohol and drug abuse treatment facility.
Centro de tratamiento de abuso de alcohol y drogas para pacientes ambulatorios. -
Hannah More Family Shelter
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 773-0320
12041 Reisterstown Road , Reisterstown, MD 21136Family shelter and supportive services to help move from homelessness to housing.
*Refugio familiar y servicios para ayudar a las personas sin hogar encontrar vivienda. * -
University of Maryland Urgent Care- Downtown Campus
University of Maryland Medical System
105 Penn Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Urgent Care services and COVID-19 testing is available here.
Los servicios de atención de urgencia y las pruebas de COVID-19 están disponibles aquí solo con cita previa.