Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 31 - 60 of 135 results 20/30 located on map
Helping Up Mission
(410) 675-7500
1029 East Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Overnight bed for any homeless man who needs shelter for the night.
Cama de noche para cualquier hombre sin hogar que necesite cobijo para pasar la noche. -
(667) 212-3455
1792 Union Ave , Baltimore, MD 21211ShareBaby provides diapers, clothing and gear to highly effective community organizations-working to ensure Baltimore’s young children get the best start in life!
ShareBaby proporciona **pañales, ropa y equipo a organizaciones comunitarias altamente efectivas que trabajan para garantizar que los niños pequeños de Baltimore tengan el mejor comienzo en la vida. -
Electric & Gas Energy Assistance
Maryland Dept. of Human Services
Programs of assistance for utilities such as electric, gas, water, and internet.
Programas de asistencia para servicios públicos como luz, gas, agua y internet. -
Moveable Feast (Se Habla Español)
Moveable Feast
(410) 327-3420
901 N. Milton Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21205Moveable Feast provides medically nutritious meals and other services at no cost to sick and low-income individuals.
Comidas nutritivas y otros servicios gratuitos para personas enfermas. -
Baltimore Action Legal Team - Jail Support Hotline
Baltimore Action Legal Team (BALT)
(410) 202-2323
1601 Guilford Avenue, 2 South , Baltimore, MD 21202Jail support hotline in the Baltimore area.
Línea directa de apoyo a la cárcel en el área de Baltimore. -
The Cheasapeake and Potamic Region of Narcotics Anonymous (Se Habla Español) (CPRNA)
Narcotics Anonymous: Chesapeake & Potomac Region
(800) 543-4670
During COVID-19, NA created a meeting directory with links to free virtual meetings to anyone with the desire to stop using.
Reuniones virtuales gratuitas a los que deseen dejar de consumir. -
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund provides financial assistance for wage-replacement workers like servers and delivery drivers, as well as sub-minimum wage workers.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund brinda asistencia financiera para trabajadores de reemplazo de salarios, como servidores y conductores de entrega, así como trabajadores con salarios inferiores al mínimo. -
Marian House I (Headquarters)
Marian House
(410) 467-4121
949 Gorsuch Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218A transitional and permanent housing and support services program. (Un programa de servicios de apoyo y vivienda transitoria y permanente.)
Notre Dame of Maryland University
(410) 435-0100
Provides overdose-reversing medication and heroin and opioid addiction & prevention awareness training for students. (Brinda a los estudiantes medicamentos para revertir la sobredosis y adicción a la heroína y los opiáceos y capacitación sobre prevención.)
Grace House
St. Ann's Infant and Maternity Home
(301) 559-5500
4901 Eastern Avenue , Hyattsville, MD 20782Teen mother and baby program. Services range from prenatal care to assistance in helping residents find a job to support themselves and the baby.
Programa para madres adolescentes y sus bebés. Atención prenatal integral y asistencia para ayudar a los residentes a encontrar un trabajo para mantenerse a sí mismos y al bebé. -
Westside Emergency Men's Shelter in Baltimore
(410) 285-4674 x 203
55 Wade Ave , Catonsville, MD 21228Housing resource for men in Baltimore County.
Recursos de vivienda para hombres en el condado de Baltimore. -
Counseling, Helpline, & Aid Network for Abused (Se habla español) (CHANA)
Counseling, Helpline, & Aid Network for Abused
(410) 234-0030
101 W Mt Royal Ave , Baltimore, MD 21201CHANA provides trauma-informed counseling, crisis intervention, legal advocacy, shelter, support groups, and prevention education for people experiencing abuse.
Apoyo para personas abusadas -
Another Chance Recovery
(443) 869-6573
8203 Harford Rd , Baltimore, MD 21234Provides recovery housing, intensive outpatient (IOP) services, counseling and traditional outpatient (OP) services.
Proporciona vivienda de recuperación, servicios ambulatorios intensivos y servicios ambulatorios tradicionales -
Fuel Fund of Maryland
Fuel Fund of Maryland, Administrative Office
(410) 235-9080
57 W. Timonium Road, Suite 208 , Timonium, MD 21093Utility assistance for BGE customers. (Asistencia financiera para sus facturas de servicios públicos de BGE.)
Complete Wellness Recovery (The Recovery Residences of Complete Wellness Recovery)
Complete Wellness, Inc.
(443) 961-3050
11 1/2 W. Chase Street, Apt 204 , Baltimore, MD 21201Living experience to support successful recovery and sobriety. (Experiencia de vida para apoyar la recuperación exitosa y la sobriedad).
Home Connections
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 732-1892
402 S. Bond Street , Baltimore, MD 21231Supportive & transitional housing that provides chronically homeless single adults with immediate access to permanent housing.
Vivienda de apoyo y de transición que brinda a los adultos solteros crónicamente sin hogar acceso inmediato a una vivienda permanente. -
IBR/REACH Health Services (REACH Health Services)
Institutes for Behavior Resources, Inc.
(410) 752-6080
2104 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Outpatient substance use recovery program.
Un programa de recuperación por uso de sustancias para pacientes ambulatorios -
Baltimore City Health Department Chronic Disease Prevention (Se Habla Español - Prevención de Enfermedades Crónicas del Departamento de Salud de la Ciudad de Baltimore)
Baltimore City Health Department
Programs available to help with quitting smoking/tobacco products (Programas disponibles para ayudar a dejar de fumar/productos de tabaco).
House of Jacob Church Food Rescue (Food Rescue Baltimore )
Food Rescue Baltimore
418 East Eager Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Monday giveaway at the House of Jacob church will be temporarily paused until further notice.
El sorteo del lunes en la iglesia House of Jacob se detendrá temporalmente hasta nuevo aviso. -
MTA MobilityLink (Paratransit) Program
MTA MobilityLink
(410) 764-8181
Mobility Link is a shared rider service. Services for individuals with disabilities who cannot access MTA fixed route. Find information below on how to apply today!
Servicios para personas con discapacidades que no pueden acceder a la ruta fija de MTA. Mobility Link es un servicio de pasajero compartido. ¡Encuentre información a continuación sobre cómo presentar su solicitud hoy! -
Therapy for Black Girls
Therapy for Black Girls provides a directory of professional therapists who are Black women, a free weekly podcast, & a blog that touch on mental health, professional development, and decision making.
Therapy for Black Girls ofrece terapeutas que son mujeres negras, un podcast semanal gratuito y un blog que sobre la salud mental, el desarrollo profesional y la toma de decisiones. -
Westside Emergency Men's Shelter
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 285-4674 x 203
55 Wade Ave , Catonsville, MD 21228Emergency shelter for men, now taking new intakes.
Refugio de emergencia para hombres, ahora tomando nuevos ingresos. -
Black Mental Health Alliance
Baltimore City Health Department
(410) 338-2642
900 East Fayette Street, #22111 , Baltimore, MD 21203Promotes and sponsors trusted culturally-relevant educational forums, trainings and referral services that support the health and well-being of Black people and their communities.
Promueve y patrocina foros educativos, capacitaciones y servicios de referencia confiables y culturalmente relevantes que apoyan la salud y el bienestar de las personas negras y sus comunidades. -
The Maryland Food Bank (Se habla español)
The Maryland Food Bank
(410) 737-8282
2200 Halethorpe Farms Rd , Baltimore, MD 21227Maryland Food Bank is helping to feed Maryland citizens by providing informational resources and supporting food stamps (SNAP) applications. (Ayuda con SNAP)
Home Delivered Grocery Boxes (Entrega a Domicilio de Cajas de Alimentos)
Baltimore City Mayor's Office
(410) 396-2273
Get a grocery box delivered to your home! (¡Reciba una caja de alimentos en su casa!)
My Groceries to Go! (Commodity Supplemental Food Program)
The Maryland Food Bank
(410) 737-8282
Seniors Get Monthly Food Assistance - To Go! (Asistencia alimentaria mensual para las personas mayores !)
Baltimore City Community College (ESL & Citizenship) (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Community College
(410) 986-5430
710 E. Lombard St. , Baltimore, MD 21202Free citizenship and ESL classes.
Clases gratuitas de ciudadanía y de inglés. -
Bea Gaddy Family Center
(410) 563-2749
425 N Chester St , Baltimore, MD 21231Food pantry, formula, and diapers available Mondays through Thursdays from 9am-12pm. (Despensa de alimentos con cita previa y sin cita previa.)
I'm Still Standing By Grace
I'm Still Standing by Grace, Inc.
(410) 355-3711
1003 E Patapsco Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21225Substance abuse and mental health services.
Servicios de abuso de sustancias y salud mental. -
Home Isolation Instructions
Baltimore City Health Department
Visit the website for instructions on what to do after COVID-19 testing.
Visite el sitio web para obtener instrucciones sobre qué hacer después de la prueba de COVID-19.