Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 91 - 120 of 351 results 27/30 located on map
Stillmeadow Community Fellowship Church
Stillmeadow Community Fellowship
(410) 525-3500
5110 Fredrick Ave , Baltimore, MD 21229Produce boxes are available here for pickup on Thursdays at 3:00 p.m., while supplies last.
Concerted Care Group Central Baltimore (CCG Baltimore)
Concerted Care Group
(410) 617-0142
428 E. 25th Street, (25th Street & Greenmount Avenue) , Baltimore, MD 21218Outpatient behavioral health treatment.
Brinda tratamiento ambulatorio de salud conductual -
Kolmac Outpatient Recovery Centers
(888) 331-5251
1 North Charles St, Suite 602 , Baltimore, MD 21201Outpatient substance use treatment with opioid detoxification.
Charm City Land Trusts (Se habla español)
Charm City Land Trusts
2424 McElderry St , Baltimore, MD 21205Produce boxes are available here for pickup on Fridays at 10am, while supplies last.
Be More Green Food Rescue (Ser Más Verde Rescate de Alimentos)
Food Rescue Baltimore
2036 W. North Ave , Baltimore, MD 21217Free produce available every Friday at 12 PM. Bring a bag!
Productos frescos y gratis productos gratuitos disponibles todos los viernes a las 12pm. Trae una bolsa! -
Pen Lucy Action Network Learning Center (Se habla español) (PLAN)
Pen Lucy Action Network
(410) 323-6245
501 E 42nd St , Baltimore, MD 21218Free tutoring for 1st-8th grade.
Tutoría gratuita para 1° a 8° grado -
Healthy Lives Maryland (Succor Tranistional Program, Inc.)
Healthy Lives, LLC
(443) 219-7901
1504 Joh Ave., Suite 120 , Baltimore, MD 21227Mental health and substance use services provided here.
Breath of God Lutheran Church (Se habla español)
Breath of God Lutheran Church
(410) 675-5616
141 S. Clinton Street , Baltimore, MD 21224Food boxes with fresh produce are available for pick up Saturdays at 11:00 am, while supplies last.
Another Chance Recovery
(443) 869-6573
8203 Harford Rd , Baltimore, MD 21234Provides recovery housing, intensive outpatient (IOP) services, counseling and traditional outpatient (OP) services.
Proporciona vivienda de recuperación, servicios ambulatorios intensivos y servicios ambulatorios tradicionales -
Therapeutic Wellness Services (West Side)
Therapeutic Wellness Services, Corp.
(410) 466-0127
4909 Liberty Heights Avenue , Gwynn Oak, MD 21207Transitional housing and treatment for substance use disorders offered here. (Vivienda de transición y tratamiento para trastornos por uso de sustancias)
Therapeutic Wellness Services (East Side)
Therapeutic Wellness Services, Corp.
(410) 665-3000
6801 Belair Road , Baltimore, MD 21206Transitional housing and treatment for substance use disorders offered here. (Vivienda de transición y tratamiento para trastornos por uso de sustancias)
Land of Kush (Tierra de Kush)
Food Rescue Baltimore
(410) 225-5874
840 N. Eutaw Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Free food available to take away every Monday at 4:00 PM. Visit their Facebook page for updates.
Comida gratis disponible para llevar **todos los Lunes a las 4pm*. Visite su página de facebook para actualizaciones. * -
Edmondson Village
City Mobile Meal Sites
4518 Edmondson Ave , Baltimore, MD 21229Breakfast, lunch, snack, and supper meals are available Monday - Friday from 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm.
Meals will not be served on April 2nd for Good Friday. -
Chase Brexton Healthcare (LGBT Resource Center)
Chase Brexton Health Services, Inc.
(410) 837-2050
1111 North Charles Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Resource center and clinic for members of the LGBT community.
Centro de recursos y clínica para miembros de la comunidad LGBT. -
Powell Recovery Center
Powell Recovery Center, Inc.
(410) 276-1773
14 S Broadway , Baltimore, MD 21231Offer substance abuse, mental health, and Suboxone maintenance.
Harlem Park Elementary/Middle School
BCPS Meal Site
1401 W. Lafayette , Baltimore, MD 21217Breakfast, lunch, snack, and supper meals are available Monday - Thursday from 8 am - 2 pm.
Citizens Policing Project / St. Peter Claver Church
Citizens Policing Project
(443) 718-9978
1546 N. Fremont Ave , Baltimore, MD 21217Food pantry and lunch available every week! Despensa de comida y almuerzo disponible cada semana!
Gift of Hope
Gift of Hope Missionaries of Charity
(410) 732-6056
818 North Collington Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21205Provides transitional housing and comfort care for terminal clients who are 60+, drug-free, non-smokers, and can use a chairlift.
Provea vivienda de transición y cuidado de la comodidad para clientes terminales que tienen más de 60 años, no fuman, no fuman y pueden usar un telesilla. -
Innterim Gardens
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 887-8463
112 Sudbrook Lane , Pikesville, MD 21208Provides a short term, safe place to live for families with disabilities while receiving supportive services to move from homelessness to housing.
Proporciona seguro para vivir a corto plazo para familias con discapacidades mientras reciben servicios de apoyo para pasar de la falta de vivienda a la vivienda. -
Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders (Se habla Español) (SAGE - Formerly Senior Action in a Gay Environment )
Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders
(929) 484-4160
Matches LGBT elders with volunteer community members to reduce isolation.
Une a ancianos LGBT con miembros voluntarios de la comunidad. -
Red Cross
American Red Cross
(800) 733-2767
Volunteer to donate blood: the Red Cross is in need of more blood donations.
Sea un voluntario para donar sangre: la Cruz Roja esta escasa de sangre. -
Heritage Treatment Center (HTC)
(443) 873-9389
4200 Edmondson Avenue, Suite 102, In the Village Medical Center , Baltimore, MD 21229Opioid treatment program and behavioral health treatment services.
Programa de tratamiento de opioides y servicios de tratamiento de salud conductual. -
Baltimore Convention Center
COVID-19 Resources
1 West Pratt St. , Baltimore, MD 21201 -
Mountain Manor Outpatient Services - Dundalk
Maryland Treatment Centers, Inc.
(410) 276-0153
1107 North Point Blvd, Suite 205 , Baltimore, MD 21224Addiction treatment center.
Light of Truth Center (LTC Training Restoration Center)
(443) 393-2109
3308 Kyle Court , Baltimore, MD 21244Providing safe, clean, and affordable housing to women recovering from addiction.
Brindar viviendas seguras, limpias y asequibles a mujeres que se recuperan de una adicción. -
New Shiloh Baptist Church Pantry (Se habla español)
New Shiloh Baptist Church
(410) 523-5306 x 12
2100 N. Monroe Street , Baltimore, MD 21217New Shiloh Baptist Church's food pantry is now open on Saturday's from 10 AM-1 PM.
Dispensario de comida abierto los sábados de las 10AM a la 1PM. -
Westside Emergency Men's Shelter
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 285-4674 x 203
55 Wade Ave , Catonsville, MD 21228Emergency shelter for men, now taking new intakes.
Refugio de emergencia para hombres, ahora tomando nuevos ingresos. -
St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center
(410) 366-8550
321 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Provides housing programs like home-sharing, counseling, legal services, and vacant house renovation to low-income Baltimore residents.
Ofrece programas de vivienda como vivienda compartida, asesoramiento, servicios legales y renovación de viviendas desocupadas para residentes de bajos ingresos de Baltimore. -
Earl's Place
Cornerstone Community Housing, Inc
(410) 522-0225
1400 East Lombard Street , Baltimore, MD 21231Transitional housing services to men whose goal is to live in permanent housing.
Servicios de vivienda de transición para hombres con objetivo de vivir en una vivienda permanente. -
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
(844) 627-5465
Program that offers low-income adults ages 60 and over with coupons that can be exchanged for fruits and vegetables from farmers' markets.
Currently not handing out vouchers
Programa que ofrece a adultos de bajos ingresos de 60 años o más con cupones que pueden ser intercambiado por frutas y verduras de mercados de agricultores.