Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 301 - 330 of 351 results
Caroline Center
(410) 563-1303
900 Somerset St , Baltimore, MD 21202This location offers job training in the health care field for women. (Esta ubicación ofrece capacitación laboral en el campo del cuidado de la salud para mujeres.)
Gaudenzia Park Heights
Gaudenzia, Inc.
(410) 339-0669
4615 Park Heights Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Substance use and co-occurring disorders treatment.
University of Maryland Outpatient Addiction Treatment Services (OATS)
University of Maryland Medical System
(410) 328-6600
701 W. Pratt Street, 1st Floor Walter P. Carter Center , Baltimore, MD 21201Substance abuse treatment program.
Moving Forward Adult Services
Moving Forward Adult Services, LLC.
(410) 243-1906
1800 North Charles Street, Suite 510 , Baltimore, MD 21201Supportive environment and access to treatment for mental illness or substance abuse issues.
CASA de Maryland (CASA de Maryland)
(866) 765-2272
2706 Pulaski Highway , Baltimore, MD 21224CASA offers information and services for housing, employment, immigration, health, job training, and more. (Se habla espanol)
Baltimore Central Booking & Intake Center
(410) 545-8080
300 East Madison Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for inmates.
Halyard Behavioral Health & Wellness (HBH Wellness)
(240) 718-8274
2415 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Addiction and behavioral health treatment with supportive housing residences and counseling. (Tratamiento de adicciones y salud conductual con residencias de vivienda de apoyo y asesoramiento.)
Senior Nutrition Program
Maryland Department of Aging
(240) 777-3810
401 Hungerford Dr 4th Floor, 4th Floor , Rockville, MD 20850 -
Family Recovery Program (The Chance Building) (FRP)
The Family Recovery Program
(410) 605-0492
301 North Gay Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Substance use services offered here for parents.
LYFE Unlimited Health Services
(443) 977-3048
2453 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Offering mental health and counseling services.
Springboard Community Services
(410) 669-9000
4623 Falls Road , Baltimore, MD 21209Mental health, safety, and homeless services provided here!
Time Organization (Edmonson Avenue)
Time Organization
(443) 872-2230
4538 Edmondson Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21229Outpatient mental health clinic that provides therapy, behavioral health, substance abuse and community services for adults, children and families.
Homeless Persons Representation Project (Se Habla Español) (HPRP)
Homeless Persons Representation Project
(410) 685-6589
201 N Charles St , Baltimore, MD 21201Legal help for people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless.
Sinai Hospital Addictions Recovery Program (SHARP)
LifeBridge Health
(410) 601-5355
2440 Cylburn Ave , Baltimore, MD 21215Inpatient and Outpatient Programs for Adults and Adolescents.
Eastside Career Center
Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED)
(410) 396-9030
3001 E. Madison Street , Baltimore, MD 21205Variety of employment, job training, and support resources! (¡Variedad de recursos de empleo, capacitación laboral y apoyo!)
Northwest Career Center
Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED)
(410) 396-7873
Mondawmin Mall Suite 302, 2401 Liberty Heights Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Variety of employment, job training, and support resources! (¡Variedad de recursos de empleo, capacitación laboral y apoyo!)
Maryland Recovery Homes
(410) 215-2619
3812 Chesley Avenue , Baltimore, MD 212062 female houses, 3 male houses, and a 3/4 house for recovery from addiction. (2 casas de mujeres, 3 casas de hombres y una casa de 3/4 para la recuperación de la adicción).
Royal Minds Rehabilitation Services
(410) 943-2424
3719 E Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 21224Alcohol and substance abuse prevention and treatment services.
GEDCO CARES (GEDCO's CARES Career Connection)
Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation (GEDCO)
(410) 532-2273
5502 York Road , Baltimore, MD 21212GEDCO's CARES program offers pre-packaged food and helps families in need apply for financial help with the Fuel Fund of Maryland.
Women's Home Preservation Fund (Se habla Español)
Women's Home Preservation Fund
(410) 205-9736
1417 W Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 21223We provide emergency financing to women heads of households at risk of losing their homes due to tax liens.
Financiamiento de emergencia a mujeres cabezas de hogar en riesgo de perder sus hogares. -
B’More Clubhouse
(410) 727-2030
831 N Calvert St , Baltimore, MD 21202Mental health support and employment opportunities here.
St. Francis of Assisi Church: Christmas Assistance Program
St. Francis of Assisi Church
(410) 235-5136
3615 Harford Road , Baltimore, MD 21218Provides food baskets to each family served, as well as gift cards to families with children or the elderly in order to purchase Christmas gifts.
Time Organization (Glen Burnie Office)
Time Organization
(443) 704-1082
7310 Ritchie Hwy, Suite 100 , Glen Burnie, MD 21061Outpatient mental health clinic that provides therapy, behavioral health, substance abuse and community services for adults, children and families. (Esta clínica de salud mental brinda terapia, salud del comportamiento, abuso de sustancias y servicios comunitarios para adultos, niños y familias en la ciudad de Baltimore).
Self Determined Recovery
Self Determined Recovery LLC
(410) 802-8477
4729 Hazelwood Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21206 -
visit (BMHA)
Black Mental Health Alliance for Education/Consultation
(410) 338-2642
900 East Fayette Street, Suite 22111 , Baltimore, MD 21203BMHA is helping to connect individuals in need of mental health professionals. Provides educational forums, trainings and programs that support the wellbeing of Black people and their communities.
St. Francis Neighborhood Center (Food Distribution Site)
St. Francis Neighborhood Center
2405 Linden Ave , Baltimore, MD 21217Fresh produce giveaway every Wednesday 11:00AM until resources are gone. Bring a bag to take groceries.
Comunité Latino at the Salem Baltimore Hispanic United Methodist Church
So What Else Baltimore Chapter
(240) 705-4345
3405 Gough St , Baltimore, MD 21224Fresh produce giveaway every Friday 1:30PM until resources are gone. Bring a bag to take groceries.
Standing Strong Mentoring Program at Hope Chapel Freewill Baptist Church
So What Else Baltimore Chapter
(240) 705-4345
1425 Riggs Ave , Baltimore, MD 21217Fresh produce giveaway every Tuesday 12:00PM until resources are gone. Bring a bag to take groceries.
North Ave Mission at the Y Not Lot
So What Else Baltimore Chapter
(240) 705-4345
1904 N Charles St , Baltimore, MD 21218Fresh produce giveaway every Wednesday 2:00PM until resources are gone. Bring a bag to take groceries.
City Place on the Avenue
So What Else Baltimore Chapter
(240) 705-4345
610 Pennsylvania Ave , Baltimore, MD 21201Fresh produce giveaway every Thursday 11:00AM until resources are gone. Bring a bag to take groceries.