Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 211 - 240 of 317 results 19/30 located on map
LYFE Unlimited Health Services
(443) 977-3048
2453 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Offering mental health and counseling services.
(401) 526-8243
Covaid connects community volunteers with those who need support. El sitio web está disponible en español.
Covaid conecta a los voluntarios de la comunidad con aquellos que necesitan apoyo. -
Electric & Gas Energy Assistance
Maryland Dept. of Human Services
Programs of assistance for utilities such as electric, gas, water, and internet.
Programas de asistencia para servicios públicos como luz, gas, agua y internet. -
Power Inside
Power Inside, Inc.
(410) 889-8333
325 E 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218During COVID-19, individuals may call for phone counseling and referrals, though their number is NOT a hotline and is NOT available 24/7. (Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, las personas pueden llamar para solicitar asesoramiento y derivaciones telefónicas, aunque su número NO es una línea directa y NO está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.)
Citizens Policing Project / St. Peter Claver Church
Citizens Policing Project
(443) 718-9978
1546 N. Fremont Ave , Baltimore, MD 21217Food pantry and lunch available every week! Despensa de comida y almuerzo disponible cada semana!
Child Mind Institute
(877) 203-3452
Child Mind Institute provides mental health tips and services like Telehealth evaluations.
Child Mind Institute brinda consejos y servicios de salud mental, como evaluaciones de telesalud. - (Calm App )
Calm offers free meditation and calming mental health resources.
Calm ofrece meditación gratuita y recursos calmantes para la salud mental. -
New Shiloh Baptist Church Pantry (Se habla español)
New Shiloh Baptist Church
(410) 523-5306 x 12
2100 N. Monroe Street , Baltimore, MD 21217New Shiloh Baptist Church's food pantry is now open on Saturday's from 10 AM-1 PM.
Dispensario de comida abierto los sábados de las 10AM a la 1PM. -
Loving Arms
Loving Arms Incorporated
(443) 415-1174
3313 Oakfield Avenue , Gwynn Oak, MD 21207Provides mentoring and referral services for children with incarcerated parents.
Brinda servicios de tutoría y referencia para niños con padres encarcelados. -
Virtual Recreation Center
Baltimore City Health Department
Free videos and resources to help you stay active and have fun while at home. Specific programs for seniors are available.
Videos gratis y recursos para mantengar activo y diviertirse mientras en casa. Progamas especificas para viejos estan proporcionado tambien. -
Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders (Se habla Español) (SAGE - Formerly Senior Action in a Gay Environment )
Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders
(929) 484-4160
Matches LGBT elders with volunteer community members to reduce isolation.
Une a ancianos LGBT con miembros voluntarios de la comunidad. -
Westside Emergency Men's Shelter in Baltimore
(410) 285-4674 x 203
55 Wade Ave , Catonsville, MD 21228Housing resource for men in Baltimore County.
Recursos de vivienda para hombres en el condado de Baltimore. -
Baltimore City Head Start (Head Start)
Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success
(443) 226-3969
Free child services like daycare or preschool for those who qualify.
Servicios gratis como guardería para familias con niños que califican. -
Kingdom Life Church (Se habla español)
Community Meal Site
504 Annabel St , Baltimore, MD 21225Produce boxes are available for pick up Wednesday at 10 am, while supplies last.
Las cajas de productos agrícolas están disponibles para recoger el miercoles a las 10 am, meintras duren las reservas. -
Koinonia Baptist Church
Community Meal Site
5738 Belair Road , Baltimore, MD 21206Produce boxes are available for pick up every Thursday at 1pm, while supplies last.
Victorious Ministries
4609 York Rd , Baltimore, MD 21212Produce boxes are available here for pickup on Wednesdays at 11am.
City Seeds
Community Meal Site
1412 North Wolfe Street , Baltimore, MD 21213Produce boxes are available for pick up Fridays at 2 pm, while supplies last.
BNJ Health Services (Washington Blvd)
BNJ Health Services
(410) 624-7894
2701 Washington Blvd , Baltimore, MD 21230Treatment of drug addiction. (Tratamiento de la adicción a las drogas)
Black Mental Health Alliance
Baltimore City Health Department
(410) 338-2642
900 East Fayette Street, #22111 , Baltimore, MD 21203Promotes and sponsors trusted culturally-relevant educational forums, trainings and referral services that support the health and well-being of Black people and their communities.
Promueve y patrocina foros educativos, capacitaciones y servicios de referencia confiables y culturalmente relevantes que apoyan la salud y el bienestar de las personas negras y sus comunidades. -
Night of Peace Shelter
Night of Peace Family Shelter, Incorporared
(410) 922-4357
7509 Windsor Mill Road , Windsor Mill, MD 21244Provides emergency shelter, case management, meals, laundry, and shower facilities for families with children only*Referral needed.
*Brinda refugio de emergencia, administración de casos, comidas, lavandería y duchas solo para familias con niños. -
Community Crisis Center (CCC)
Community Crisis Center, Inc.
(410) 526-7111
725 Main Street , Reisterstown, MD 21136Food pantry open here Mondays at 5pm-7pm and Saturdays at 9am-11am.
Mental Health America (Se habla español) (MHA)
Mental Health America
MHA provides FREE online screenings to determine whether someone is experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.
MHA ofrece pruebas GRATUITAS para la depresión y la ansiedad. -
Our Lady Fatima Church (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Health Department
6400 E Pratt St , Baltimore, MD 21224Food boxes with fresh produce are available for pick up Tuesdays at 12 pm, while supplies last.
Cajas de alimentos con productos frescos disponibles para recoger Martes a las 12 pm y los sábados a las 12:00 p. m., mientras duren las reservas. -
Mercy Health Services
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 332-4866
Call 410-332-4866 to schedule a COVID test.
Llame al 410-332-4866 para programar una prueba de COVID. -
Man Alive, Inc.
(410) 837-4292
2117 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Methadone maintenance clinic for treating substance use disorders. (Clínica para el tratamiento de trastornos por uso de sustancias.)
Umar Boxing (COMIDA)
Food Rescue Baltimore
(410) 728-3600
1217 W. North Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21217Free food to take every Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Lasts 1 Hour. Bring a bag!
Comida gratis ofrecida todos los miércoles a las 12:00 PM. Dura una hora. ¡Traiga una bolsa!. -
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute Van (BHLI Van)
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute
(443) 738-4731
301 E. Eager Street, Outside Baltimore Central Booking and Intake Center , Baltimore, MD 21202Providing opioid use disorder services in-person.
Prestación de servicios para el trastorno por consumo de opioides en persona. -
National Alliance on Mental Illness (Se Habla Español) (NAMI)
National Alliance on Mental Illness
(800) 950-6264
Free online support groups and virtual health events for friends and family of people with mental illness.
Ofrece grupos de apoyo en línea gratuitos y eventos de salud virtuales. -
Light of Truth Center (LTC Training Restoration Center)
(443) 393-2109
3308 Kyle Court , Baltimore, MD 21244Providing safe, clean, and affordable housing to women recovering from addiction.
Brindar viviendas seguras, limpias y asequibles a mujeres que se recuperan de una adicción. -
Baltimore City Health Department Maternal and Child Health Services (Se Habla Español)
Baltimore City Health Department
Family planning, reproductive health and WIC application information provided over the phone. (Información sobre planificación familiar, salud reproductiva y solicitud de WIC por teléfono).