Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 181 - 210 of 317 results 20/30 located on map
Asylee Women Enterprise (Se Habla Español) (AWE)
Asylee Women Enterprise
(443) 850-0627
4500 Frankford Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21206Provide variety of necessary care to asylum seekers.
Loveland Therapy Fund
Loveland Foundation
The Loveland Therapy Fund gives Black Women & Girls access to mental health professionals across the country providing culturally competent services & between 4-8 free therapy sessions. MUST APPLY
Loveland Therapy Fund brinda a las mujeres y niñas negras acceso a profesionales de la salud mental en todo el país entre 4 y 8 sesiones de terapia gratuitas. DEBE APLICAR -
Gabriel Network (VIVIENDA - Se Habla Español)
Gabriel Network
(301) 637-3223
2137 Defense Hwy , Crofton, MD 21114Maternity Home Program offers rent-free transitional community housing for women who are pregnant and looking for a safe and nurturing place to live during and after pregnancy.
El Programa de Hogar de Maternidad ofrece viviendas comunitarias de transición gratuitas para mujeres embarazadas que buscan un lugar seguro para vivir durante y después del embarazo. -
Caroline Center
(410) 563-1303
900 Somerset St , Baltimore, MD 21202This location offers job training in the health care field for women. (Esta ubicación ofrece capacitación laboral en el campo del cuidado de la salud para mujeres.)
Cherry Hill Community Presbyterian Church
(410) 355-6860
819 Cherry Hill Road , Baltimore, MD 21225Food and goods pantry open every third Saturday of the month at 11am. Please wear a mask.Bring a bag and pick up some free groceries.
Start Your Recovery
Resources related to substance use disorders and addiction found here.
Los recursos relacionados con los trastornos por uso de sustancias y la adicción se encuentran aquí. -
EmPOWER Maryland Limited Income Energy Efficiency Program
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
(410) 209-5800
Utility assistance available - get free home energy upgrades here. (Asistencia de servicios públicos disponible: obtenga actualizaciones gratuitas de energía para el hogar aquí).
Prospect Place
Cornerstone Community Housing, Inc
(410) 682-9660
8720 Philadelphia Road , Rosedale, MD 21237Prospect Place assists men experiencing homelessness seeking housing option, security, and shelter.
Prospect Place ayuda a los hombres sin hogar que buscan opciones de vivienda, seguridad y refugio. -
Fuel Fund of Maryland
Fuel Fund of Maryland, Administrative Office
(410) 235-9080
57 W. Timonium Road, Suite 208 , Timonium, MD 21093Utility assistance for BGE customers. (Asistencia financiera para sus facturas de servicios públicos de BGE.)
Weinberg Housing Resource Center (WHRC)
Catholic Charities of Baltimore City
(667) 600-3230
620 Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202WHRC provides emergency shelter and food to individuals experiencing homelessness.
WHRC proporciona refugio de emergencia y alimentos a personas sin hogar. -
Gift of Hope
Gift of Hope Missionaries of Charity
(410) 732-6056
818 North Collington Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21205Provides transitional housing and comfort care for terminal clients who are 60+, drug-free, non-smokers, and can use a chairlift.
Provea vivienda de transición y cuidado de la comodidad para clientes terminales que tienen más de 60 años, no fuman, no fuman y pueden usar un telesilla. -
Manna House
Manna House, Inc.
(410) 889-3001
435 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Offering breakfast Monday-Friday from 8am-10:15am.
Se ofrece desayuno de lunes a viernes de 8am a 10:15am. -
Red Cross
American Red Cross
(800) 733-2767
Volunteer to donate blood: the Red Cross is in need of more blood donations.
Sea un voluntario para donar sangre: la Cruz Roja esta escasa de sangre. -
Assisi House (Se habla español) (Assisi House at St. Patrick's)
Assisi House
(443) 425-5919
1728 East Bank St , Baltimore, MD 21231Outreach center of St. Patrick and Sacred Heart of Jesus parishes
Centro de alcance -
Belair Health Services, Inc. (BD Health)
BD Health Clinics
(410) 509-0205
4825 Belair Road , Baltimore, MD 21206Substance use services offered here. (Servicios de abuso de sustancias se ofrecen aquí.)
Bea Gaddy Family Center
(410) 563-2749
425 N Chester St , Baltimore, MD 21231Food pantry, formula, and diapers available Mondays through Thursdays from 9am-12pm. (Despensa de alimentos con cita previa y sin cita previa.)
Humble Beginnings Treatment Center
Humble Beginnings Recovery
(443) 467-4203
3935 Southern Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21206Housing and treatment for substance use disorders offered here. (Vivienda y tratamiento para trastornos por uso de sustancias)
St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center
(410) 366-8550
321 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Provides housing programs like home-sharing, counseling, legal services, and vacant house renovation to low-income Baltimore residents.
Ofrece programas de vivienda como vivienda compartida, asesoramiento, servicios legales y renovación de viviendas desocupadas para residentes de bajos ingresos de Baltimore. -
Counseling, Helpline, & Aid Network for Abused (Se habla español) (CHANA)
Counseling, Helpline, & Aid Network for Abused
(410) 234-0030
101 W Mt Royal Ave , Baltimore, MD 21201CHANA provides trauma-informed counseling, crisis intervention, legal advocacy, shelter, support groups, and prevention education for people experiencing abuse.
Apoyo para personas abusadas -
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
(844) 627-5465
Program that offers low-income adults ages 60 and over with coupons that can be exchanged for fruits and vegetables from farmers' markets.
Currently not handing out vouchers
Programa que ofrece a adultos de bajos ingresos de 60 años o más con cupones que pueden ser intercambiado por frutas y verduras de mercados de agricultores. -
HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM)
(410) 500-4710
Get help finding health insurance coverage and other health services here.
Obtenga ayuda para encontrar cobertura de seguro de salud y otros servicios de salud aquí. -
Baltimore City Nurse Family Partnership
Baltimore City Health Department
(667) 203-0345
Providing help to first time- mothers living in Baltimore City.
Pen Lucy Action Network Learning Center (Se habla español) (PLAN)
Pen Lucy Action Network
(410) 323-6245
501 E 42nd St , Baltimore, MD 21218Free tutoring for 1st-8th grade.
Tutoría gratuita para 1° a 8° grado -
Time Organization (Glen Burnie Office)
Time Organization
(443) 704-1082
7310 Ritchie Hwy, Suite 100 , Glen Burnie, MD 21061Outpatient mental health clinic that provides therapy, behavioral health, substance abuse and community services for adults, children and families. (Esta clínica de salud mental brinda terapia, salud del comportamiento, abuso de sustancias y servicios comunitarios para adultos, niños y familias en la ciudad de Baltimore).
The Baltimore City Visitation Center (SEGURIDAD-- Se Habla Español)
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement
(443) 844-8931
A location where parents can visit or exchange custody of their children in a safe, supervised environment.
Lugar donde padres pueden visitar or intercambiar los niños en un ambiente seguro. -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Violence Hotline Center, Inc.
(800) 799-7233
24/7 phone, text, or online hotline for anyone experiencing domestic violence or looking for related resources or information.
Teléfono, mensaje de texto o línea directa en línea las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para cualquier persona que experimente violencia doméstica o que busque recursos o información relacionados. -
Grace House
St. Ann's Infant and Maternity Home
(301) 559-5500
4901 Eastern Avenue , Hyattsville, MD 20782Teen mother and baby program. Services range from prenatal care to assistance in helping residents find a job to support themselves and the baby.
Programa para madres adolescentes y sus bebés. Atención prenatal integral y asistencia para ayudar a los residentes a encontrar un trabajo para mantenerse a sí mismos y al bebé. -
LYFE Unlimited Health Services
(443) 977-3048
2453 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Offering mental health and counseling services.
House of Jacob Church Food Rescue (Food Rescue Baltimore )
Food Rescue Baltimore
418 East Eager Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Monday giveaway at the House of Jacob church will be temporarily paused until further notice.
El sorteo del lunes en la iglesia House of Jacob se detendrá temporalmente hasta nuevo aviso. -
Maryland Health Connection
Maryland Health Benefit Exchange
(855) 642-8572
Website to enroll in Maryland health insurance.
Sitio web para inscribirse en el seguro de salud de Maryland.