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Night of Peace Shelter
Night of Peace Family Shelter, Incorporared
Provides emergency shelter, case management, meals, laundry, and shower facilities for families with children only*Referral needed.
*Brinda refugio de emergencia, administración de casos, comidas, lavandería y duchas solo para familias con niños.
People We Serve
Families with children
(410) 922-4357 voice
(410) 922-0077 fax
7509 Windsor Mill RoadWindsor Mill, MD 21244
General Information
Families eligible to stay at this shelter must be referred by the Baltimore County Department of Social Services at 410-853-3000. Families (with children) may stay while working on permanent housing solutions for up to 90 days. Night of Peace is available to all current guests from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Las familias elegibles para quedarse en este refugio deben ser referidas por el Departamento de Servicios Sociales del Condado de Baltimore al 410-853-3000. Las familias (con niños) pueden quedarse mientras trabajan en soluciones de vivienda permanente por hasta 90 días. Night of Peace está disponible para todos los huéspedes actuales desde las 4 p.m. a las 8 a.m.
The program shelter homeless families with children. To become a guest at Night of Peace, contact the Baltimore County Department of Social Services at 410-853-3000. BCDSS will process your information and send us a referral. As required by County regulations, all shelter guests can stay for up to 90 days. Night of Peace is available to all current guests from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. The location is only open all day during inclement weather conditions.