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Family League
COVID-19 Resources
List of meal distribution sites in Baltimore City.
(410) 662-5500 voice
2305 N. Charles St., Suite 200Baltimore, MD 21218
General Information
Family League is partnering with the Mayor’s Office of Children and Family Success, Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, and Baltimore City Schools to provide grab-and-go meals for children and youth. The types and hours of meal distribution vary by lo… ocation and can be found here. Call (410) 662-5500 or 311 for any questions.
The meal site location at Carroll F. Cook Recreation Center is temporarily closed.
Click here to search or sort meal sites by Site Type, Name, Address, ZIP Code, or Times and Meals available.
This is a free service.Audience:
Baltimore City youth and their familiesEligibility:
Baltimore City youth and their familiesHow to Apply:
There is no application process required for this service. Different locations may have different protocols.Languages
- English