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Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
Program that offers low-income adults ages 60 and over with coupons that can be exchanged for fruits and vegetables from farmers' markets.
Currently not handing out vouchers
Programa que ofrece a adultos de bajos ingresos de 60 años o más con cupones que pueden ser intercambiado por frutas y verduras de mercados de agricultores.
(844) 627-5465 voice
Website Information
The Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP):
1. Provides nutritious, locally grown fruits, vegetables and herbs from farmers’ markets to low-income older adults
2. Develops new farmers’ markets across the state
3. Provides nutrition education
El Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP):
1. Proveer frutas, verduras y hierbas fr… rescas, nutritivas y cultivadas localmente. Van de los mercados de agricultores a adultos mayores de bajos ingresos.
2. Desarrolla nuevos mercados de agricultores en todo el estado.
3. Proveer educación nutricional
Este recurso no ha indicado que ofrezcan servicios en español o que tengan personal que hable español, entonces se recomienda traer un intérprete que hable inglés o tecnología de interpretación para recibir los servicios.
The Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program offers low-income seniors with fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and honey from farmers' markets. This program offers coupons that can be exchanged for eligible foods at farmers' markets, roadside stands, and community-supported agriculture programs.
Provides $30 worth of coupons per el… ligible person
Nutrition education is included
Voucher distributions generally occur in early July each year
Vouchers are available on a “first come, first serve” basis
Look at this form to find your Local Area Agency on Aging office to find a location and best time for Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program coupon distribution near you. here, or call 1-844-627-5465.
Programa que proporciona a las personas mayores de bajos ingresos frutas frescas, verduras, hierbas y miel de los mercados de agricultores. ** Llame a su oficina local de MAP aquí, o llame al 1-844-627-5465. **
(844) 627-5465 voice
Free (Tarifa: gratis)Audience:
Maryland's residents who are at least 60 years old and meet income guidelines (Personas Atendidas:)Eligibility:
Low-income seniors (household incomes of not more than 185% of the Federal poverty income guidelines); Maryland residents who are at least 60 years old (Personas mayores de bajos ingresos y personas de al menos 60 años); ID showing their correct address and age, proof of income not required. Proxies must bring the applicant's ID and their ID.How to Apply:
Contact local senior center OR contact local office of aging AND ask about the Senior Farmers' Market Program vouchers. Call 844-627-5465 to find your local office of aging. (Cómo solicitar ayuda: Comuníquese con el centro local para personas mayores O comuníquese con la oficina local de la tercera edad Y, pregunte acerca de los vales del Programa de Mercado de Agricultores para Personas Mayores. Llame al 844-627-5465 para encontrar su oficina local de envejecimiento.)Languages
- English