Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 31 - 60 of 125 results 26/30 located on map
Maryland Recovery Homes
(410) 215-2619
3812 Chesley Avenue , Baltimore, MD 212062 female houses, 3 male houses, and a 3/4 house for recovery from addiction. (2 casas de mujeres, 3 casas de hombres y una casa de 3/4 para la recuperación de la adicción).
Peace Health Care - Dundalk (Peace Health Care)
Peace Health Care, Inc.
(410) 237-7188
6806 Holabird Ave. , Dundalk, MD 21222Addiction and substance abuse services.
Peace Health Care - Parkville (Peace Health Care)
Peace Health Care, Inc.
(410) 779-9175
8203 Harford Road , Parkville, MD 21234Addiction and substance abuse services.
Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC)
(410) 396-3232
417 E. Fayette Street,, Suite 1339 , Baltimore, MD 21202The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) was established in 1937 to provide federally-funded public housing programs and related services for Baltimore's low-income residents
Community Action Network/Garden Village (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 285-4674 x 213
6011 St. Regis Rd , Baltimore, MD 21206The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Lotus Recovery Center, Inc.
(410) 450-4500 x 1
4207 Springwood Ave , Baltimore, MD 212063.1 ASAM substance use disorder treatment for women.
Baltimore Safe Haven (Se habla español)
Baltimore Safe Haven
(443) 869-6867
2468 Greenmount Ave , Baltimore, MD 21218This organization helps provide safe housing for LGBTQ+ individuals and free hot meals.
Esta organización proporciona viviendas seguras para personas LGBTQ + y comida gratis. -
Community Action Network / Essex (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 835-3824 x 310
958 Ashbridge Dr., Suite D , Essex, MD 21221The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Community Action Network/Arbutus (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 285-4674 x 306
4000 Southwestern Blvd. , Baltimore, MD 21229The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Community Action Network/ Main Office-Dundalk (CAN )
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 285-4674 x 201
7900 E Baltimore St , Baltimore, MD 21224The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Community Action Network /Hillendale Gate Apartments (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 285-4674 x 126
6600 Wycombe Way , Baltimore, MD 21234The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Ethel Elan Safe Haven
(410) 732-1390
2304 Belair Rd , Baltimore, MD 21213Transitional shelter for men and women who are at least 18 years old, not pregnant, and have no children.
Refugio de transición para hombres y mujeres que tienen al menos 18 años, no están embarazadas y no tienen hijos. -
Wylie Funeral Home
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 462-4070
701 N. Mount Street , Baltimore, MD 21217Low cost burials, special funeral plans and arrangements during COVID-19.
Funerales bajo costo, y planes especiales durante COVID-19. -
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
(844) 627-5465
Program that offers low-income adults ages 60 and over with coupons that can be exchanged for fruits and vegetables from farmers' markets.
Currently not handing out vouchers
Programa que ofrece a adultos de bajos ingresos de 60 años o más con cupones que pueden ser intercambiado por frutas y verduras de mercados de agricultores. -
Baltimore City Head Start (Head Start)
Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success
(443) 226-3969
Free child services like daycare or preschool for those who qualify.
Servicios gratis como guardería para familias con niños que califican. -
Black Mental Health Alliance
Baltimore City Health Department
(410) 338-2642
900 East Fayette Street, #22111 , Baltimore, MD 21203Promotes and sponsors trusted culturally-relevant educational forums, trainings and referral services that support the health and well-being of Black people and their communities.
Promueve y patrocina foros educativos, capacitaciones y servicios de referencia confiables y culturalmente relevantes que apoyan la salud y el bienestar de las personas negras y sus comunidades. -
Baltimore Rescue Mission: Men's Division
Baltimore Rescue Mission
(410) 342-2533
4 North Central Ave , Baltimore, MD 21202Emergency overnight shelter for homeless men ages 18+.
Refugio nocturno de emergencia para hombres sin hogar mayores de 18 años.* -
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute Van (BHLI Van)
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute
(443) 738-4731
301 E. Eager Street, Outside Baltimore Central Booking and Intake Center , Baltimore, MD 21202Providing opioid use disorder services in-person.
Prestación de servicios para el trastorno por consumo de opioides en persona. -
SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot
USDA Food and Nutrition Services
(800) 221-5689
Multiple retailers are now accepting **SNAP payments online in Maryland. See list below.
*Múltiples tiendas **estan acceptando pagos en línea de SNAP en Maryland.* -
Baltimore Rescue Mission: Karis Home
Baltimore Rescue Mission
(410) 342-1323
1228 E Baltimore St , Baltimore, MD 21202Emergency shelter for homeless women and children for up to 30 consecutive nights.
Refugio de emergencia para mujeres y niños sin hogar por hasta 30 noches consecutivas. -
Another Chance Recovery
(443) 869-6573
8203 Harford Rd , Baltimore, MD 21234Provides recovery housing, intensive outpatient (IOP) services, counseling and traditional outpatient (OP) services.
Proporciona vivienda de recuperación, servicios ambulatorios intensivos y servicios ambulatorios tradicionales -
Mountain Manor Outpatient Services - Dundalk
Maryland Treatment Centers, Inc.
(410) 276-0153
1107 North Point Blvd, Suite 205 , Baltimore, MD 21224Addiction treatment center.
By Grace Counseling Services
(443) 312-8619
1003 E Patapsco Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21225Substance abuse resources in English and other languages. (Recursos de abuso de sustancias en inglés y otros idiomas.)
Child Mind Institute
(877) 203-3452
Child Mind Institute provides mental health tips and services like Telehealth evaluations.
Child Mind Institute brinda consejos y servicios de salud mental, como evaluaciones de telesalud. -
Maryland Treatment Centers - Mountain Manor Treatment Center
Maryland Treatment Centers, Inc.
(410) 233-1400
3800 Frederick Ave , Baltimore, MD 21229Alcohol and drug addiction treatment. (Tratamiento de adicción al alcohol y las drogas).
Chrysalis House Healthy Start (CHHS)
Chrysalis House, Inc.
(410) 483-8870
4500 Park Heights Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Provides substance use and mental health treatment services for women. Accepts Maryland Medicaid.
GAM Counseling Services
(410) 262-7455
1 East Chase Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Substance abuse recovery residence.
Man Alive Lane Treatment Center
Man Alive, Inc.
(410) 244-7350
2117 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Co-occurring disorder (mental health and a substance use disorder) treatment.
Deborah's Place (Deborah's Place, Inc.)
Deborah's Place, Inc.
(410) 235-2837
1903 W. North Ave , Baltimore, MD 21217Provides counseling and housing services to people dealing with addiction and substance abuse.
*Brinda servicios de asesoramiento y vivienda a personas que se enfrentan al abuso de sustancias. REFERRALS -
House of Change Behavioral Health (HOC)
(410) 323-3500
5209 York Road, Suite B6 , Baltimore, MD 21212Addiction and mental health services.