Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 1 - 30 of 134 results 23/30 located on map
Institute on Aging (Se habla Español) (IOA)
Institute on Aging
(415) 750-4111
24-hour toll-free Friendship Line hotline for non-emergency emotional support calls for people aged 60+ and adults with disabilities.
Línea directa para llamadas de apoyo emocional. -
Payson Street-III.I Halfway House
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Payson Street-III.I Halfway House , Baltimore, MD 2121724-hour coverage transitional living for women recovering from drug or alcohol addiction.
Cobertura de vivienda de transición las 24 horas para mujeres que se recuperan de la adicción a las drogas o al alcohol. -
Sollins-McCarthy Center
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Sollins-McCarthy Center , Baltimore, MD 21217Provide supportive housing for up to a year.
Proporcionar vivienda de apoyo hasta por un año. -
Jefferson Jones Center
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Jefferson Jones Center , Baltimore, MD 21231Provides permanent supportive Level II housing for women in sustained recovery.
Proporciona viviendas de apoyo permanentes de nivel II para mujeres en recuperación sostenida. -
Ethel Elan Safe Haven
(410) 732-1390
2304 Belair Rd , Baltimore, MD 21213Transitional shelter for men and women who are at least 18 years old, not pregnant, and have no children.
Refugio de transición para hombres y mujeres que tienen al menos 18 años, no están embarazadas y no tienen hijos. -
Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore County (HCH-BC)
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
(443) 703-1468
9150 Franklin Square Dr, Suite 301 , Baltimore, MD 21237Health care services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar se ofrecen aquí! -
Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore City
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
(410) 837-5533
421 The Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202Healthcare services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar que se ofrecen aquí! -
Mercy Health Services
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 332-4866
Call 410-332-4866 to schedule a COVID test.
Llame al 410-332-4866 para programar una prueba de COVID. -
Don Miller Homes (Se habla Español)
(800) 332-6347
1800 N Charles Street., Suite 700 , Baltimore, MD 21201Supportive services and compassionate care to HIV+ residents who are homeless or have been previously been housed in a shelter or nursing home.
Servicios de apoyo para personas con VIH+ que no tienen un lugar donde vivir. -
Prospect Place
Cornerstone Community Housing, Inc
(410) 682-9660
8720 Philadelphia Road , Rosedale, MD 21237Prospect Place assists men experiencing homelessness seeking housing option, security, and shelter.
Prospect Place ayuda a los hombres sin hogar que buscan opciones de vivienda, seguridad y refugio. -
(401) 526-8243
Covaid connects community volunteers with those who need support. El sitio web está disponible en español.
Covaid conecta a los voluntarios de la comunidad con aquellos que necesitan apoyo. -
Gift of Hope
Gift of Hope Missionaries of Charity
(410) 732-6056
818 North Collington Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21205Provides transitional housing and comfort care for terminal clients who are 60+, drug-free, non-smokers, and can use a chairlift.
Provea vivienda de transición y cuidado de la comodidad para clientes terminales que tienen más de 60 años, no fuman, no fuman y pueden usar un telesilla. -
Red Cross
American Red Cross
(800) 733-2767
Volunteer to donate blood: the Red Cross is in need of more blood donations.
Sea un voluntario para donar sangre: la Cruz Roja esta escasa de sangre. -
Baltimore Abortion Fund
(443) 853-8445
Financial assistance and practical support for abortions available here.
Asistencia financiera y apoyo práctico para abortos disponibles aquí. -
Earl's Place
Cornerstone Community Housing, Inc
(410) 522-0225
1400 East Lombard Street , Baltimore, MD 21231Transitional housing services to men whose goal is to live in permanent housing.
Servicios de vivienda de transición para hombres con objetivo de vivir en una vivienda permanente. -
Be More Green Food Rescue (Ser Más Verde Rescate de Alimentos)
Food Rescue Baltimore
2036 W. North Ave , Baltimore, MD 21217Free produce available every Friday at 12 PM. Bring a bag!
Productos frescos y gratis productos gratuitos disponibles todos los viernes a las 12pm. Trae una bolsa! -
Allover Healthcare Community Housing
Allover Healthcare Community
(443) 759-8827 x 1
5450 Reisterstown Road, Suite 304 , Baltimore, MD 21215Provides psychiatric rehabilitation programs for adults and minors to help them transition from the hospital back into the community.
Ofrece programas de rehabilitación psiquiátrica para adultos y menores para ayudarlos en la transición del hospital a la comunidad. -
Umar Boxing (COMIDA)
Food Rescue Baltimore
(410) 728-3600
1217 W. North Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21217Free food to take every Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Lasts 1 Hour. Bring a bag!
Comida gratis ofrecida todos los miércoles a las 12:00 PM. Dura una hora. ¡Traiga una bolsa!. -
Issaiah House Inc.
(443) 882-1943
919 Calwell Rd. , Baltimore, MD 21229Level 3.1 Transitional 90 day housing program with an intensive outpatient and outpatient component.
Issaiah House es un programa de vivienda de transición de nivel 3.1 con un componente ambulatorio intensivo y ambulatorio. -
Baltimore Convention Center
COVID-19 Resources
1 West Pratt St. , Baltimore, MD 21201 -
Light of Truth Center (LTC Training Restoration Center)
(443) 393-2109
3308 Kyle Court , Baltimore, MD 21244Providing safe, clean, and affordable housing to women recovering from addiction.
Brindar viviendas seguras, limpias y asequibles a mujeres que se recuperan de una adicción. -
Loving Arms
Loving Arms Incorporated
(443) 415-1174
3313 Oakfield Avenue , Gwynn Oak, MD 21207Provides mentoring and referral services for children with incarcerated parents.
Brinda servicios de tutoría y referencia para niños con padres encarcelados. -
A Step Forward, Inc.
(410) 462-6001
800 N Fulton Ave 2nd Floor , Baltimore, MD 21217We offer clients our expertise and support in whatever struggle they may be currently facing by collaborating with clients, sponsors, donors, and volunteers.
Ofrecemos a los clientes nuestra experiencia y apoyo en cualquier lucha que puedan estar enfrentando actualmente al colaborar con clientes, patrocinadores, donantes y voluntarios. -
Training Restoration Center
Light of Truth Center
(443) 438-7569
2233 Orleans Street , Baltimore, MD 21231Residential and outpatient therapeutic treatment program for recovering women.
Programa de tratamiento terapéutico residencial y ambulatorio para mujeres en recuperación. -
St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center
(410) 366-8550
321 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Provides housing programs like home-sharing, counseling, legal services, and vacant house renovation to low-income Baltimore residents.
Ofrece programas de vivienda como vivienda compartida, asesoramiento, servicios legales y renovación de viviendas desocupadas para residentes de bajos ingresos de Baltimore. -
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
(844) 627-5465
Program that offers low-income adults ages 60 and over with coupons that can be exchanged for fruits and vegetables from farmers' markets.
Currently not handing out vouchers
Programa que ofrece a adultos de bajos ingresos de 60 años o más con cupones que pueden ser intercambiado por frutas y verduras de mercados de agricultores. -
Leonard Family Center (Returning Citizens (Pilot Program))
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Leonard Family Center , Baltimore, MD 21217Supportive Housing.
Vivienda de apoyo -
HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM)
(410) 500-4710
Get help finding health insurance coverage and other health services here.
Obtenga ayuda para encontrar cobertura de seguro de salud y otros servicios de salud aquí. -
Concerted Care Group Central Baltimore (CCG Baltimore)
Concerted Care Group
(410) 617-0142
428 E. 25th Street, (25th Street & Greenmount Avenue) , Baltimore, MD 21218Outpatient behavioral health treatment.
Brinda tratamiento ambulatorio de salud conductual -
Concerted Care Group Frederick (CCG Frederick)
Concerted Care Group
(240) 815-7300
300 B Scholls Lane , Frederick, MD 21701Outpatient behavioral health treatment.
Brinda tratamiento ambulatorio de salud conductual