Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 151 - 180 of 351 results 22/30 located on map
Baltimore City Health Department Clinical Services (SALUD -- Se Habla Español)
Baltimore City Health Department
STD services and emergency dental care services available by appointment
(Servicios de ETS y servicios de atención dental de emergencia disponibles) -
Prospect Place
Cornerstone Community Housing, Inc
(410) 682-9660
8720 Philadelphia Road , Rosedale, MD 21237Prospect Place assists men experiencing homelessness seeking housing option, security, and shelter.
Prospect Place ayuda a los hombres sin hogar que buscan opciones de vivienda, seguridad y refugio. -
Access Art in Morrell Park (Food Rescue Baltimore)
Food Rescue Baltimore
2446 Washington Blvd , Baltimore, MD 21230Food Rescue Baltimore partners with Access Art in Morrell Park to bring you free food every Thursday at 4:30 pm. Bring a bag!
Food Rescue Baltimore se asocia con Access Art en Morrell Park para traerle comida gratis todos los Jueves a las 4:30 pm. -
B.E. Able Recovery Resources
B.E Able Recovery Sources LLC
(844) 410-2253
127 S. Broadway , Baltimore, MD 21231IOP/OP services and residential housing for men recovering from substance abuse.
Brindar servicios de IOP/OP y vivienda residencial para hombres que se recuperan del abuso de sustancias. -
Kingdom Life Church (Se habla español)
Community Meal Site
504 Annabel St , Baltimore, MD 21225Produce boxes are available for pick up Wednesday at 10 am, while supplies last.
Las cajas de productos agrícolas están disponibles para recoger el miercoles a las 10 am, meintras duren las reservas. -
Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore County (HCH-BC)
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
(443) 703-1468
9150 Franklin Square Dr, Suite 301 , Baltimore, MD 21237Health care services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar se ofrecen aquí! -
Beans and Bread Homeless Day Resource Center (Centro de recursos para personas sin hogar Beans and Bread)
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 732-1892
402 S. Bond St. , Baltimore, MD 21231Grab-and-Go breakfast Monday through Friday from 8:30AM- 9:30AM and lunch Monday through Saturday and the last Sunday of each month from 11:00AM - 1:00PM. (Desayuno para llevar de lunes a viernes de 8:30am A 9:30 am y almuerzo de lunes a sábado de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm)
Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry (Se habla español)
Faith Tabernacle Church
(410) 525-0969
2422 W. Patapsco Ave , Baltimore, MD 21230Fishes and Loaves is providing food for pick up every weekday, Mondays through Fridays from 9:30 AM - 3:30PM. (comida todos los días de 9:30a.m. a 3:30 p.m.)
Sunday Fresh Produce Rescue (Domingo Rescate de Productos Frescos) (Food Rescue Baltimore)
Food Rescue Baltimore
4420 Loch Raven Blvd , Baltimore, MD 21218Free fresh produce and food! Every Sunday at 12 pm. Located at the Northwood Enoch Pratt Library Parking lot. Bring a bag! For best selection, get there early.
¡Comida **gratis! Todos los Domingos a las **12pm. Ubicado en el estacionamiento de la biblioteca Northwood Enoch Pratt. *¡Traer una bolsa!** Para una mejor selección, llegue temprano.* -
Maryland Peer Advisory Council (MPAC)
(443) 438-7569
2233 Orleans Street , Baltimore, MD 21231Overdose Response Program.
Grace Medical Center (Grace Medical Center Emergency Care)
LifeBridge Health
(410) 362-3000
2000 W. Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 2122324-hour emergency department.
Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore City
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
(410) 837-5533
421 The Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202Healthcare services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar que se ofrecen aquí! -
Mental Health America (Se habla español) (MHA)
Mental Health America
MHA provides FREE online screenings to determine whether someone is experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.
MHA ofrece pruebas GRATUITAS para la depresión y la ansiedad. -
Baltimore City Health Department Maternal and Child Health Services (Se Habla Español)
Baltimore City Health Department
Family planning, reproductive health and WIC application information provided over the phone. (Información sobre planificación familiar, salud reproductiva y solicitud de WIC por teléfono).
My Father's Heart
3112 EAST BIDDLE STREET , Baltimore, MD 21213Level II Recovery Residence. (Residencia de Recuperación Nivel II.)
Centro SOL (Se Habla Español) (Centro SOL Johns Hopkins)
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
(410) 550-1129
5200 Eastern Ave, Mason F. Ford Building, Suite 4200 , Baltimore, MD 21224Centro Sol provides virtual support groups, various COVID19 & online resources, and provides groceries and diapers. (Apoyo virtual con recursos en línea. Proporciona alimentos y pañales.)
Health and Recovery Practice (HARP) (HARP)
University of Maryland School of Medicine
(443) 462-3694
1001 W. Pratt Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Substance abuse support and treatment.
Apoyo y tratamiento por abuso de sustancias. -
Maryland House Detox
(443) 888-2369
817 S Camp Meade Rd. , Linthicum, MD 21090Drug and alcohol detoxification services.
Man Alive, Inc.
(410) 837-4292
2117 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Methadone maintenance clinic for treating substance use disorders. (Clínica para el tratamiento de trastornos por uso de sustancias.)
Senior Call Check Program (Se Habla Español)
Maryland Department of Aging
(866) 502-0560
301 West Preston Street Suite 1007 , Baltimore, MD 21201**FREE **program that checks in on senior MD residents by placing a daily telephone call to participants at a regularly scheduled time.
Programa gratuito de llamadas para residentes mayores. -
Home Delivered Grocery Boxes (Entrega a Domicilio de Cajas de Alimentos)
Baltimore City Mayor's Office
(410) 396-2273
Get a grocery box delivered to your home! (¡Reciba una caja de alimentos en su casa!)
Night of Peace Shelter
Night of Peace Family Shelter, Incorporared
(410) 922-4357
7509 Windsor Mill Road , Windsor Mill, MD 21244Provides emergency shelter, case management, meals, laundry, and shower facilities for families with children only*Referral needed.
*Brinda refugio de emergencia, administración de casos, comidas, lavandería y duchas solo para familias con niños. -
Ethel Elan Safe Haven
(410) 732-1390
2304 Belair Rd , Baltimore, MD 21213Transitional shelter for men and women who are at least 18 years old, not pregnant, and have no children.
Refugio de transición para hombres y mujeres que tienen al menos 18 años, no están embarazadas y no tienen hijos. -
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (Se habla español) (DBSA)
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
(800) 826-3632
DBSA offers FREE virtual support groups for people with depression and bipolar disorder.
Grupos de apoyo virtuales GRATUITOS para personas con depresión y trastorno bipolar. -
Mission Asset Fund (Se Habla Español)
Mission Asset Fund
(888) 274-4808
Providing financial support to immigrant families (Se habla español). Brindar apoyo financiero a las familias inmigrantes.
House of Jacob Church Food Rescue (Food Rescue Baltimore )
Food Rescue Baltimore
418 East Eager Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Monday giveaway at the House of Jacob church will be temporarily paused until further notice.
El sorteo del lunes en la iglesia House of Jacob se detendrá temporalmente hasta nuevo aviso. -
Therapy for Black Girls
Therapy for Black Girls provides a directory of professional therapists who are Black women, a free weekly podcast, & a blog that touch on mental health, professional development, and decision making.
Therapy for Black Girls ofrece terapeutas que son mujeres negras, un podcast semanal gratuito y un blog que sobre la salud mental, el desarrollo profesional y la toma de decisiones. -
(443) 793-5445
3007 Belair Road , Baltimore, MD 21213STEP One provides Intensive Outpatient (IOP), Partial Hospitalization (PHP), mental health services, and sober/supportive housing 3.1 Low intensity integrated community housing.
B'more for Healthy Babies (BHB)
Baltimore City Health Department
BHB offer programs on childcare, access to food, and other resources to help keep babies and kids healthy.
BHB ofrece programas sobre cuidado infantil, acceso a alimentos y otros recursos para ayudar a mantener saludables a los bebés y los niños. -
Westside Emergency Men's Shelter in Baltimore
(410) 285-4674 x 203
55 Wade Ave , Catonsville, MD 21228Housing resource for men in Baltimore County.
Recursos de vivienda para hombres en el condado de Baltimore.