Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 31 - 60 of 351 results 25/30 located on map
South Church (Se habla español)
Community Meal Site
601 Cherryhill Road , Baltimore, MD 21225Produce boxes are available for pick up Thursdays at 12:00 pm, while supplies last.
Las cajas de productos agrícolas están disponibles para recoger los jueves a las 12:00 p. m., meintras se acaben las reservas. -
Zion Baptist Church (Se Habla Español)
Community Meal Site
1700 North Caroline St , Baltimore, MD 21213Produce boxes are available for pick up Wednesdays at 11:00 am, while supplies last.
Cajas de alimentos con productos frescos disponibles para recoger los miércoles a las 11:00 a.m., mientras duren las reservas. -
Community Action Network / Essex (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 835-3824 x 310
958 Ashbridge Dr., Suite D , Essex, MD 21221The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Community Action Network/Arbutus (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 285-4674 x 306
4000 Southwestern Blvd. , Baltimore, MD 21229The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Community Action Network/ Main Office-Dundalk (CAN )
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 285-4674 x 201
7900 E Baltimore St , Baltimore, MD 21224The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Community Action Network /Hillendale Gate Apartments (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 285-4674 x 126
6600 Wycombe Way , Baltimore, MD 21234The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
MedMark Treatment Centers Cherry Hill (MedMark Cherry Hill)
Medmark Treatment Centers
(410) 453-1492
1801 Cherry Hill Road , Baltimore, MD 21230Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment Services for opiate addiction. (Servicios de tratamiento de buprenorfina y metadona para la adicción a los opiáceos.)
MedMark Treatment Centers Essex (MedMark Essex)
Medmark Treatment Centers
(410) 469-7036
8909 Kelso Drive , Essex, MD 21221Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment Services for opiate addiction. (Servicios de tratamiento de buprenorfina y metadona para la adicción a los opiáceos.)
MedMark Treatment Centers Mt. Vernon (Glass Health Programs, Inc.) (MedMark Mt. Vernon)
Medmark Treatment Centers
(410) 816-9339
817 North Calvert Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment Services for opiate addiction.
Ofrecen servicios de tratamiento de Buprenorfina y Metadona para adicción a opiáceos. -
MedMark Treatment Centers Baltimore Downtown 201 (MedMark Downtown 201)
Medmark Treatment Centers
(410) 779-3682
821 North Eutaw Street, Suite 201 , Baltimore, MD 21201Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment Services for opiate addiction. (Servicios de tratamiento de buprenorfina y metadona para la adicción a los opiáceos).
Our Lady Fatima Church (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Health Department
6400 E Pratt St , Baltimore, MD 21224Food boxes with fresh produce are available for pick up Tuesdays at 12 pm, while supplies last.
Cajas de alimentos con productos frescos disponibles para recoger Martes a las 12 pm y los sábados a las 12:00 p. m., mientras duren las reservas. -
MedMark Treatment Centers Baltimore Downtown 101 (MedMark Downtown 101)
Medmark Treatment Centers
(410) 225-9185
821 North Eutaw Street, Suite 101 , Baltimore, MD 21201Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment Services for opiate addiction. (Servicios de tratamiento de buprenorfina y metadona para la adicción a los opiáceos).
Child Mind Institute
(877) 203-3452
Child Mind Institute provides mental health tips and services like Telehealth evaluations.
Child Mind Institute brinda consejos y servicios de salud mental, como evaluaciones de telesalud. -
Inspiring Change Mental Health Services (Inspiring Change MHS)
(410) 699-3738
4654 York Rd, Suite #1 , Baltimore, MD 21202Educational & Therapeutic Services.
Alzheimer's Association: Greater Maryland Chapter (Se habla español)
Alzheimer's Association, Greater Maryland
(800) 272-3900
1850 York Rd Suite D, Suite D , Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093The Alzheimer's Association's FREE helpline 800-272-3900 is staffed by specialists and clinicians who offer confidential support and information.
La línea de ayuda GRATUITA es 800-272-3900 -
Asylee Women Enterprise (Se Habla Español) (AWE)
Asylee Women Enterprise
(443) 850-0627
4500 Frankford Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21206Provide variety of necessary care to asylum seekers.
Johns Hopkins Broadway Center for Addiction (911 Program)
(410) 955-5439
911 N. Broadway , Baltimore, MD 21205Outpatient treatment services for substance use disorders.
The Baltimore City Visitation Center (SEGURIDAD-- Se Habla Español)
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement
(443) 844-8931
A location where parents can visit or exchange custody of their children in a safe, supervised environment.
Lugar donde padres pueden visitar or intercambiar los niños en un ambiente seguro. -
Assisi House (Se habla español) (Assisi House at St. Patrick's)
Assisi House
(443) 425-5919
1728 East Bank St , Baltimore, MD 21231Outreach center of St. Patrick and Sacred Heart of Jesus parishes
Centro de alcance -
Reflective Treatment Center
East Baltimore Community Corporation
(410) 752-3500
301 N. Gay Street, Lower Level , Baltimore, MD 21202Opiate maintenance therapy and detox treatment facility.
My Groceries to Go! (Commodity Supplemental Food Program)
The Maryland Food Bank
(410) 737-8282
Seniors Get Monthly Food Assistance - To Go! (Asistencia alimentaria mensual para las personas mayores !)
Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training (MCVET)
(410) 576-9626
301 North High Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Comprehensive substance abuse support for veterans. (Proporcionar a los veteranos sin hogar y otros veteranos necesitados servicios integrales que les permitan reincorporarse a sus comunidades como ciudadanos productivos.)
Training Restoration Center
Light of Truth Center
(443) 438-7569
2233 Orleans Street , Baltimore, MD 21231Residential and outpatient therapeutic treatment program for recovering women.
Programa de tratamiento terapéutico residencial y ambulatorio para mujeres en recuperación. -
Baltimore City Community Action Partnership (CAP)
Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success
(410) 396-5555
Rental Assistance and Utility Assitance available here! (¡Asistencia de alquiler y asistencia de servicios públicos disponibles aquí!)
Mercy Health Services
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 332-4866
Call 410-332-4866 to schedule a COVID test.
Llame al 410-332-4866 para programar una prueba de COVID. -
Civic Works
Food Rescue Baltimore
(410) 826-5955
2701 St. Lo Drive , Baltimore, MD 21213$15 worth of fresh groceries delivered to your home for Seniors only. Elder services, help with housing, and energy assistance also available here.
$15 de alimentos frescos llevado ha su hogar. Mayores de edad solamente! -
Peace Health Care - Dundalk (Peace Health Care)
Peace Health Care, Inc.
(410) 237-7188
6806 Holabird Ave. , Dundalk, MD 21222Addiction and substance abuse services.
Peace Health Care - Parkville (Peace Health Care)
Peace Health Care, Inc.
(410) 779-9175
8203 Harford Road , Parkville, MD 21234Addiction and substance abuse services.
(667) 212-3455
1792 Union Ave , Baltimore, MD 21211ShareBaby provides diapers, clothing and gear to highly effective community organizations-working to ensure Baltimore’s young children get the best start in life!
ShareBaby proporciona **pañales, ropa y equipo a organizaciones comunitarias altamente efectivas que trabajan para garantizar que los niños pequeños de Baltimore tengan el mejor comienzo en la vida. -
BNJ Health Services (Washington Blvd)
BNJ Health Services
(410) 624-7894
2701 Washington Blvd , Baltimore, MD 21230Treatment of drug addiction. (Tratamiento de la adicción a las drogas)