Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 1 - 30 of 351 results 17/30 located on map
Maryland Health Connection
Maryland Health Benefit Exchange
(855) 642-8572
Website to enroll in Maryland health insurance.
Sitio web para inscribirse en el seguro de salud de Maryland. -
CVS Pharmacy
COVID-19 Resources
CVS Pharmacy is providing FREE medication delivery services.
CVS proporciona la distribución GRATUITA para pedidos de recetas. -
Helping Up Mission
(410) 675-7500
1029 East Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Overnight bed for any homeless man who needs shelter for the night.
Cama de noche para cualquier hombre sin hogar que necesite cobijo para pasar la noche. -
Baltimore City Health Department Chronic Disease Prevention (Se Habla Español - Prevención de Enfermedades Crónicas del Departamento de Salud de la Ciudad de Baltimore)
Baltimore City Health Department
Programs available to help with quitting smoking/tobacco products (Programas disponibles para ayudar a dejar de fumar/productos de tabaco).
Cottage Avenue Community
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 462-4009
3445 Park Heights Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Provides families that previously have experienced homelessness or are experiencing homelessness with affordable permanent housing and supports their efforts to live independently in the community.
Proporciona a las familias que anteriormente se han quedado sin hogar una vivienda permanente asequible y apoya sus esfuerzos para vivir de forma independiente en la comunidad. -
Marian House Independence Place (The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Building)
Marian House
(410) 433-1453
4103 Old York Road , Baltimore, MD 2121822 units of permanent supportive housing.
Baltimore Community Doulas
Doulas for Baltimore City
Serenity Place
Marian House
(410) 235-5975
932 Gorsuch Ave , Baltimore, MD 2121819 unts of permanent supportive housing, staff offices, and a community room.
Baltimore Rescue Mission: Karis Home
Baltimore Rescue Mission
(410) 342-1323
1228 E Baltimore St , Baltimore, MD 21202Emergency shelter for homeless women and children for up to 30 consecutive nights.
Refugio de emergencia para mujeres y niños sin hogar por hasta 30 noches consecutivas. -
Grace Medical Center New Hope Treatment (Bon Secours New Hope/Next Passage - Substance Abuse Program)
LifeBridge Health
(410) 945-7706 x 2235
2401 West Baltimore St , Baltimore, MD 21223Outpatient substance use disorder treatment program.
HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM)
(410) 500-4710
Get help finding health insurance coverage and other health services here.
Obtenga ayuda para encontrar cobertura de seguro de salud y otros servicios de salud aquí. -
Notre Dame of Maryland University
(410) 435-0100
Provides overdose-reversing medication and heroin and opioid addiction & prevention awareness training for students. (Brinda a los estudiantes medicamentos para revertir la sobredosis y adicción a la heroína y los opiáceos y capacitación sobre prevención.)
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund provides financial assistance for wage-replacement workers like servers and delivery drivers, as well as sub-minimum wage workers.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund brinda asistencia financiera para trabajadores de reemplazo de salarios, como servidores y conductores de entrega, así como trabajadores con salarios inferiores al mínimo. -
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
(410) 396-2273
Maryland Access Point is providing food-centered services for older adults and adults with disabilities in Baltimore City.
Institute on Aging (Se habla Español) (IOA)
Institute on Aging
(415) 750-4111
24-hour toll-free Friendship Line hotline for non-emergency emotional support calls for people aged 60+ and adults with disabilities.
Línea directa para llamadas de apoyo emocional. -
Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood
(410) 852-8013
2100 N Monroe St, 2nd Floor , Baltimore, MD 21216Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood is a group mentoring program serving Kings between the ages of 8 and 18 who live in the Baltimore Metropolitan area since 1996 where education, speakers, trips, sporting events
Baltimore Action Legal Team - Jail Support Hotline
Baltimore Action Legal Team (BALT)
(410) 202-2323
1601 Guilford Avenue, 2 South , Baltimore, MD 21202Jail support hotline in the Baltimore area.
Línea directa de apoyo a la cárcel en el área de Baltimore. -
Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Inc.
(410) 637-1900
100 South Charles Street, Tower II, 8th Floor , Baltimore, MD 21201Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that manages Baltimore City's behavioral health system. They help build healthier individuals, stronger families, and safer communities.
Spirit of Faith Deliverance (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Health Department
721 E. 25th St. , Baltimore, MD 21218Food boxes with fresh produce are available here for pickup on Wednesdays at 11 am
Cajas de comida con productos frescos disponibles aquí para recoger los miércoles a las 11 a.m. -
Modest Needs
Modest Needs Non-profit
(844) 667-3776
This organization offers financial assitance in the form of grants to assist families and individuals in time of need.
Community Action Network/Garden Village (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 285-4674 x 213
6011 St. Regis Rd , Baltimore, MD 21206The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Southeast Community Development Corporation (Southeast CDC)
(410) 342-3234
The Southeast CDC will try to connect you to a food option.
El Southeast CDC intentara conectarlo con opciones de comida. -
ReBUILD Johnston Square (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Health Department
501 E. Preston St , Baltimore, MD 21202Food boxes with fresh produce are available here for pickup on Wednesdays at 12:00pm
Cajas de comida con productos frescos disponibles aquí para recoger los miércoles a las 12:00 pm. -
University of Maryland Medical Center, Mental Health and Pregnancy
University of Maryland Medical System
(410) 328-5881
At University of Maryland Medical Center, our women's mental health specialists can help you reconnect with your baby and get back to feeling like yourself.
Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc. (Se Habla Español) (BCRI)
Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc.
(410) 433-5255
5124 Greenwich Ave , Baltimore, MD 21229BCRI is a comprehensive crisis center offering admissions to its crisis residential units and housing, along with other mental health resources. (Centro de crisis).
Baltimore Abortion Fund
(443) 853-8445
Financial assistance and practical support for abortions available here.
Asistencia financiera y apoyo práctico para abortos disponibles aquí. -
Baltimore Medical System – Highlandtown
Baltimore Medical System
(410) 558-9800
3700 Fleet Street, Suite 200 , Baltimore, MD 21224The Baltimore Medical System is deeply committed to improving health, wellness and the quality of life in the communities we serve by providing safe, high quality, accessible and affordable healthcare.
Concerted Care Group Frederick (CCG Frederick)
Concerted Care Group
(240) 815-7300
300 B Scholls Lane , Frederick, MD 21701Outpatient behavioral health treatment.
Brinda tratamiento ambulatorio de salud conductual -
Community Action Network / Essex (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 835-3824 x 310
958 Ashbridge Dr., Suite D , Essex, MD 21221The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.
Community Action Network/Arbutus (CAN)
Community Action Network Inc
(410) 285-4674 x 306
4000 Southwestern Blvd. , Baltimore, MD 21229The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)'s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents.