Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 31 - 60 of 173 results 23/30 located on map
Maryland Recovery Homes
(410) 215-2619
3812 Chesley Avenue , Baltimore, MD 212062 female houses, 3 male houses, and a 3/4 house for recovery from addiction. (2 casas de mujeres, 3 casas de hombres y una casa de 3/4 para la recuperación de la adicción).
Power Inside
Power Inside, Inc.
(410) 889-8333
325 E 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218During COVID-19, individuals may call for phone counseling and referrals, though their number is NOT a hotline and is NOT available 24/7. (Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, las personas pueden llamar para solicitar asesoramiento y derivaciones telefónicas, aunque su número NO es una línea directa y NO está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.)
YO! Baltimore West (COMIDA) (Food Rescue Baltimore)
Food Rescue Baltimore
1510 W Lafayette Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21217Free produce and food! Every Tuesday at 12pm. (¡Productos y alimentos gratis! Cada martes a las 12 pm.)
Sarah's Hope House (Sarah's Hope Family Shelter )
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 982-0845 x 101
1114 N. Mount Street , Baltimore, MD 21217Services include meals, activities, tutoring, adult education, case management, housing placement, etc. (Servicios: comida, actividades, tutoría, clases para adultos, administración de casos y mas.)
Southeast Community Development Corporation (Southeast CDC)
(410) 342-3234
The Southeast CDC will try to connect you to a food option.
El Southeast CDC intentara conectarlo con opciones de comida. -
Baltimore Safe Haven (Se habla español)
Baltimore Safe Haven
(443) 869-6867
2468 Greenmount Ave , Baltimore, MD 21218This organization helps provide safe housing for LGBTQ+ individuals and free hot meals.
Esta organización proporciona viviendas seguras para personas LGBTQ + y comida gratis. -
Glenwood Life Counseling Center
(410) 323-9811
516 Glenwood Ave , Baltimore, MD 21212Substance abuse treatment program providing medication-assisted treatment.
Baltimore City Health Department Chronic Disease Prevention (Se Habla Español - Prevención de Enfermedades Crónicas del Departamento de Salud de la Ciudad de Baltimore)
Baltimore City Health Department
Programs available to help with quitting smoking/tobacco products (Programas disponibles para ayudar a dejar de fumar/productos de tabaco).
The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation
(213) 222-6327
They are committed to changing the perception of mental illness in the African American community by encouraging those who suffer from this debilitating illness to get the help they need.
House of Jacob Church Food Rescue (Food Rescue Baltimore )
Food Rescue Baltimore
418 East Eager Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Monday giveaway at the House of Jacob church will be temporarily paused until further notice.
El sorteo del lunes en la iglesia House of Jacob se detendrá temporalmente hasta nuevo aviso. -
Westside Emergency Men's Shelter in Baltimore
(410) 285-4674 x 203
55 Wade Ave , Catonsville, MD 21228Housing resource for men in Baltimore County.
Recursos de vivienda para hombres en el condado de Baltimore. -
Earl's Place
Cornerstone Community Housing, Inc
(410) 522-0225
1400 East Lombard Street , Baltimore, MD 21231Transitional housing services to men whose goal is to live in permanent housing.
Servicios de vivienda de transición para hombres con objetivo de vivir en una vivienda permanente. -
HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM)
(410) 500-4710
Get help finding health insurance coverage and other health services here.
Obtenga ayuda para encontrar cobertura de seguro de salud y otros servicios de salud aquí. -
Hannah More Family Shelter
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 773-0320
12041 Reisterstown Road , Reisterstown, MD 21136Family shelter and supportive services to help move from homelessness to housing.
*Refugio familiar y servicios para ayudar a las personas sin hogar encontrar vivienda. * -
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute Van (BHLI Van)
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute
(443) 738-4731
301 E. Eager Street, Outside Baltimore Central Booking and Intake Center , Baltimore, MD 21202Providing opioid use disorder services in-person.
Prestación de servicios para el trastorno por consumo de opioides en persona. -
Project PLASE
Project PLASE, Inc.
(410) 837-1400
3601 Old Frederick Road , Baltimore, MD 21229Offering food, housing, and support services for individuals without a home.
Servicio ofreciendo comida y vivienda para personas que no tiene casa -
Helping Up Mission
(410) 675-7500
1029 East Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Overnight bed for any homeless man who needs shelter for the night.
Cama de noche para cualquier hombre sin hogar que necesite cobijo para pasar la noche. -
Baltimore City Needle Exchange Program (NEP) (Se Habla Español) (NEP)
Baltimore City Health Department
(410) 396-3731
3000 Druid Park Drive Suite 2C , Baltimore, MD 21215The Needle Exchange Program provides needle exchange & overdose prevention services at multiple locations & hours. Also offering free showers, clothes, toiletries throughout the week. (NEP da servicios de intercambio de agujas y prevención de sobredosis.)
Night by Night Shelter
211 Maryland
(410) 386-6679
127 Stoner Avenue , Westminster, MD 21157Overnight shelter for people over 18 experiencing homelessness.
Refugio nocturno para personas mayores de 18 años sin hogar. -
Home Delivered Grocery Boxes (Entrega a Domicilio de Cajas de Alimentos)
Baltimore City Mayor's Office
(410) 396-2273
Get a grocery box delivered to your home! (¡Reciba una caja de alimentos en su casa!)
Assistance Center of Towson Churches
(410) 296-4855
116 W. Pennsylvania Ave. , Towson, MD 21204Get free food, financial assistance, and more resources here!
Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition (BHRC)
(410) 205-5143
116 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Get hygiene kits, safer injection and sex supplies, and more harm reduction supplies here.
Electric & Gas Energy Assistance
Maryland Dept. of Human Services
Programs of assistance for utilities such as electric, gas, water, and internet.
Programas de asistencia para servicios públicos como luz, gas, agua y internet. -
Chase Brexton Healthcare (LGBT Resource Center)
Chase Brexton Health Services, Inc.
(410) 837-2050
1111 North Charles Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Resource center and clinic for members of the LGBT community.
Centro de recursos y clínica para miembros de la comunidad LGBT. -
BNJ Health Services (Washington Blvd)
BNJ Health Services
(410) 624-7894
2701 Washington Blvd , Baltimore, MD 21230Treatment of drug addiction. (Tratamiento de la adicción a las drogas)
Time Organization (Edmonson Avenue)
Time Organization
(443) 872-2230
4538 Edmondson Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21229Outpatient mental health clinic that provides therapy, behavioral health, substance abuse and community services for adults, children and families.
Meals on Wheels (Se Habla Español)
Meals On Wheels, Central MD, Inc.
(410) 558-0827
515 South Haven Street , Baltimore, MD 21224Meals on Wheels provides meal and grocery delivery.
EmPOWER Maryland Limited Income Energy Efficiency Program
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
(410) 209-5800
Utility assistance available - get free home energy upgrades here. (Asistencia de servicios públicos disponible: obtenga actualizaciones gratuitas de energía para el hogar aquí).
Fuel Fund of Maryland
Fuel Fund of Maryland, Administrative Office
(410) 235-9080
57 W. Timonium Road, Suite 208 , Timonium, MD 21093Utility assistance for BGE customers. (Asistencia financiera para sus facturas de servicios públicos de BGE.)
Maryland House Detox
(443) 888-2369
817 S Camp Meade Rd. , Linthicum, MD 21090Drug and alcohol detoxification services.