Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 results 22/30 located on map
Bon Secours Community Works
Grace Medical Center
(410) 362-3629
26 N fulton Avenue , baltimore, md 21223Bon Secours Community Works (BSCW) works to enrich West Baltimore communities with programs and services that contribute to the long-term economic and social viability of neighborhoods.
Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood
(410) 852-8013
2100 N Monroe St, 2nd Floor , Baltimore, MD 21216Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood is a group mentoring program serving Kings between the ages of 8 and 18 who live in the Baltimore Metropolitan area since 1996 where education, speakers, trips, sporting events
House of Change Behavioral Health (HOC)
(410) 323-3500
5209 York Road, Suite B6 , Baltimore, MD 21212Addiction and mental health services.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Baltimore Intergroup Council of Alcoholics Anonymous
(866) 972-0134
Provides resources for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and free access to rehab and detox programs to help individuals overcome alcohol addiction.
Night by Night Shelter
211 Maryland
(410) 386-6679
127 Stoner Avenue , Westminster, MD 21157Overnight shelter for people over 18 experiencing homelessness.
Refugio nocturno para personas mayores de 18 años sin hogar. -
Electric & Gas Energy Assistance
Maryland Dept. of Human Services
Programs of assistance for utilities such as electric, gas, water, and internet.
Programas de asistencia para servicios públicos como luz, gas, agua y internet. -
Disaster Distress Helpline (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(800) 985-5990
A hotline for people who need emotional support after a disaster.
Una línea directa para personas que necesitan apoyo emocional después de un desastre. -
Family League
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 662-5500
2305 N. Charles St., Suite 200 , Baltimore, MD 21218List of meal distribution sites in Baltimore City.
Man Alive, Inc.
(410) 837-4292
2117 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Methadone maintenance clinic for treating substance use disorders. (Clínica para el tratamiento de trastornos por uso de sustancias.)
Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Services
Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service
(410) 547-6537
Free legal services for civil cases. Can apply over the phone or online.
Virtual Recreation Center
Baltimore City Health Department
Free videos and resources to help you stay active and have fun while at home. Specific programs for seniors are available.
Videos gratis y recursos para mantengar activo y diviertirse mientras en casa. Progamas especificas para viejos estan proporcionado tambien. -
Baltimore Rescue Mission: Karis Home
Baltimore Rescue Mission
(410) 342-1323
1228 E Baltimore St , Baltimore, MD 21202Emergency shelter for homeless women and children for up to 30 consecutive nights.
Refugio de emergencia para mujeres y niños sin hogar por hasta 30 noches consecutivas. -
Glenwood Life Counseling Center
(410) 323-9811
516 Glenwood Ave , Baltimore, MD 21212Substance abuse treatment program providing medication-assisted treatment.
Comcast Internet Essentials
Low cost. High speed. Internet Essentials has connected over 10 million low-income individuals for over 10 years to fast, reliable internet.
Families Foundation Thanksgiving Dinner
Salvation Army
(410) 783-2920
1 W Pratt Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Free Thanksgiving meals Tuesday, November 22nd at the Baltimore Convention Center. Doors open at 4pm.
B’More Clubhouse
(410) 727-2030
831 N Calvert St , Baltimore, MD 21202Mental health support and employment opportunities here.
Senior Call Check Program (Se Habla Español)
Maryland Department of Aging
(866) 502-0560
301 West Preston Street Suite 1007 , Baltimore, MD 21201**FREE **program that checks in on senior MD residents by placing a daily telephone call to participants at a regularly scheduled time.
Programa gratuito de llamadas para residentes mayores. -
GAM Counseling Services
(410) 262-7455
1 East Chase Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Substance abuse recovery residence.
No Turning Back
No Turning Back Inc.
(443) 708-5249
2901 Druid Park Drive, Suite 303 , Baltimore, MD 21215Supportive housing for those recovering from substance abuse.
Caroline Center
(410) 563-1303
900 Somerset St , Baltimore, MD 21202This location offers job training in the health care field for women. (Esta ubicación ofrece capacitación laboral en el campo del cuidado de la salud para mujeres.)
Lighthouse Studies at Peer Point
(410) 502-5368
2213 McElderry St., 2nd Floor , Baltimore, MD 21205Conducts research to improve health outcomes.
Light of Truth Center (LTC Training Restoration Center)
(443) 393-2109
3308 Kyle Court , Baltimore, MD 21244Providing safe, clean, and affordable housing to women recovering from addiction.
Brindar viviendas seguras, limpias y asequibles a mujeres que se recuperan de una adicción. -
Night of Peace Shelter
Night of Peace Family Shelter, Incorporared
(410) 922-4357
7509 Windsor Mill Road , Windsor Mill, MD 21244Provides emergency shelter, case management, meals, laundry, and shower facilities for families with children only*Referral needed.
*Brinda refugio de emergencia, administración de casos, comidas, lavandería y duchas solo para familias con niños. -
MTA MobilityLink (Paratransit) Program
MTA MobilityLink
(410) 764-8181
Mobility Link is a shared rider service. Services for individuals with disabilities who cannot access MTA fixed route. Find information below on how to apply today!
Servicios para personas con discapacidades que no pueden acceder a la ruta fija de MTA. Mobility Link es un servicio de pasajero compartido. ¡Encuentre información a continuación sobre cómo presentar su solicitud hoy! -
Weisman- Kaplan House (Men)
Tuerk House, Inc.
(410) 467-5291
2523 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 2121827-Bed Halfway and Recovery House for Men.
Nilsson House for Women
Tuerk House, Inc.
(667) 212-3094
5665 Purdue Avenue , Baltimore, MD 2123912-Bed Halfway House for Women.
Sister Augusta Reilly, R.S.N. Home for Women in Recovery
Tuerk House, Inc.
5212 Gwynn Oak Avenue , Baltimore, MD 2120710-Bed Halfway House for Women.
Howard House for Men
Tuerk House, Inc.
(410) 772-3915
9876 Clarksville Pike , Ellicot City, MD 2104416-Bed Halfway House for Men.
People Encouraging People - Executive Offices (PEP)
People Encouraging People
(410) 366-4299
22 S. Howard Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Rehabilitation and support services.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund provides financial assistance for wage-replacement workers like servers and delivery drivers, as well as sub-minimum wage workers.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund brinda asistencia financiera para trabajadores de reemplazo de salarios, como servidores y conductores de entrega, así como trabajadores con salarios inferiores al mínimo.