Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 151 - 180 of 317 results 23/30 located on map
SPARC Center
SPARC Women's Center
(410) 624-7554
908 Washington Blvd. , Baltimore, MD 21230SPARC is providing delivery services, STI testing, emotional support, case management, free psychiatry services, and health services.
SPARC brinda servicios de parto, pruebas de ITS, apoyo emocional, administración de casos, servicios de psiquiatría gratuitos y servicios de salud. -
Sacred Heart of Jesus - Assisi House (Se habla Español)
Sacred Heart of Jesus
(410) 342-4336
600 S Conkling Street , Baltimore, MD 21224Assisi House provides food, clothing, referrals and encouragement to the homeless of the area, men and women in rehabilitation programs, immigrants and needy families.
Westside Emergency Men's Shelter
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 285-4674 x 203
55 Wade Ave , Catonsville, MD 21228Emergency shelter for men, now taking new intakes.
Refugio de emergencia para hombres, ahora tomando nuevos ingresos. -
Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc. (Se Habla Español) (BCRI)
Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc.
(410) 433-5255
5124 Greenwich Ave , Baltimore, MD 21229BCRI is a comprehensive crisis center offering admissions to its crisis residential units and housing, along with other mental health resources. (Centro de crisis).
Institute on Aging (Se habla Español) (IOA)
Institute on Aging
(415) 750-4111
24-hour toll-free Friendship Line hotline for non-emergency emotional support calls for people aged 60+ and adults with disabilities.
Línea directa para llamadas de apoyo emocional. -
BNJ Health Services (Reistertown)
BNJ Health Services
5246-5248 Reisterstown Road , Baltimore, MD 21215Substance abuse treatment resources. (Recursos para el tratamiento del abuso de sustancias).
GED Preparation
South Baltimore Learning Center
28 E Ostend St #A , Baltimore, MD 21230GED preparation classes available.
Se ofrecen clases para preparar para el examen de GED. -
The Rebuild, Overcome and Rise Center (SEGURIDAD) (ROAR Center)
University of Maryland Baltimore
(410) 706-2781
Resource center and hot line to help support survivors of violence.
Centro de recursos y linea directa para apoyar sobrevivientes de violencia. -
Park Heights Health
BD Health Clinics
(410) 999-6299
5260 Park Heights Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Substance use services offered here.
Health Care for the Homeless- West Baltimore
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
2000 W. Baltimore St., Suite 3300 , Baltimore, MD 21223Health care services for homeless people available here!
University of Maryland Urgent Care- Downtown Campus
University of Maryland Medical System
105 Penn Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Urgent Care services and COVID-19 testing is available here.
Los servicios de atención de urgencia y las pruebas de COVID-19 están disponibles aquí solo con cita previa. -
House of Ruth
(410) 889-0840
2201 Argonne Drive , Baltimore, MD 21218Emergency shelter and hotline for women and children. Women in need of sercive call the emergency hotline as first point of contact.
Refugio de emergencia y línea directa para mujeres y niños. -
IBR/REACH Health Services (REACH Health Services)
Institutes for Behavior Resources, Inc.
(410) 752-6080
2104 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Outpatient substance use recovery program.
Un programa de recuperación por uso de sustancias para pacientes ambulatorios -
Notre Dame of Maryland University
(410) 435-0100
Provides overdose-reversing medication and heroin and opioid addiction & prevention awareness training for students. (Brinda a los estudiantes medicamentos para revertir la sobredosis y adicción a la heroína y los opiáceos y capacitación sobre prevención.)
The Cheasapeake and Potamic Region of Narcotics Anonymous (Se Habla Español) (CPRNA)
Narcotics Anonymous: Chesapeake & Potomac Region
(800) 543-4670
During COVID-19, NA created a meeting directory with links to free virtual meetings to anyone with the desire to stop using.
Reuniones virtuales gratuitas a los que deseen dejar de consumir. -
Complete Wellness Recovery (The Recovery Residences of Complete Wellness Recovery)
Complete Wellness, Inc.
(443) 961-3050
11 1/2 W. Chase Street, Apt 204 , Baltimore, MD 21201Living experience to support successful recovery and sobriety. (Experiencia de vida para apoyar la recuperación exitosa y la sobriedad).
Baltimore COVID-19 Asset Map
(410) 396-4804
Use this map to find resources in the Baltimore Area! Usa este mapa para ver recursos en la area de Baltimore.
Senior Call Check Program (Se Habla Español)
Maryland Department of Aging
(866) 502-0560
301 West Preston Street Suite 1007 , Baltimore, MD 21201**FREE **program that checks in on senior MD residents by placing a daily telephone call to participants at a regularly scheduled time.
Programa gratuito de llamadas para residentes mayores. -
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund provides financial assistance for wage-replacement workers like servers and delivery drivers, as well as sub-minimum wage workers.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund brinda asistencia financiera para trabajadores de reemplazo de salarios, como servidores y conductores de entrega, así como trabajadores con salarios inferiores al mínimo. -
F.A.C.E. Community Resource Center
Freedom Advocates
(410) 522-3223
1645 North Calhoun Street , Baltimore, MD 21217Provides supportive/transitional housing for individuals currently or pending release from correctional institutions.
Provee vivienda de apoyo/transicional para individuos actualmente o en espera de ser liberados de instituciones correccionales. -
Baltimore City Community Action Partnership (CAP)
Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success
(410) 396-5555
Rental Assistance and Utility Assitance available here! (¡Asistencia de alquiler y asistencia de servicios públicos disponibles aquí!)
Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry (Se habla español)
Faith Tabernacle Church
(410) 525-0969
2422 W. Patapsco Ave , Baltimore, MD 21230Fishes and Loaves is providing food for pick up every weekday, Mondays through Fridays from 9:30 AM - 3:30PM. (comida todos los días de 9:30a.m. a 3:30 p.m.)
Faith and Hope House
St. Ann's Infant and Maternity Home
4901 Eastern Avenue , Hyattsville, MD 20782Transitional housing services to mothers and young children experiencing homelessness. All services located on the St. Ann Campus. Eligibility varies by program. Now accepting persons to waitlist.
Vivienda de transición a madres y niños pequeños sin hogar. Los servicios ubicados en el campus de St. Ann. La elegibilidad varía según el programa. Ahora aceptando personas en lista de espera. -
Women's Home Preservation Fund (Se habla Español)
Women's Home Preservation Fund
(410) 205-9736
1417 W Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 21223We provide emergency financing to women heads of households at risk of losing their homes due to tax liens.
Financiamiento de emergencia a mujeres cabezas de hogar en riesgo de perder sus hogares. -
Allover Healthcare Community Housing
Allover Healthcare Community
(443) 759-8827 x 1
5450 Reisterstown Road, Suite 304 , Baltimore, MD 21215Provides psychiatric rehabilitation programs for adults and minors to help them transition from the hospital back into the community.
Ofrece programas de rehabilitación psiquiátrica para adultos y menores para ayudarlos en la transición del hospital a la comunidad. -
Agape House (Se Habla Español)
Agape House, Inc.
(410) 566-5007
1501 N. Dukeland Street , Baltimore, MD 21216Provides short-term housing for mothers and their children; food; clothing; drug treatment referrals; after school and day camp programs.
Proporciona alojamiento a corto plazo para las madres y sus hijos; comida; ropa; referencias para tratamiento de drogas; programas después de la escuela y de campamento diurno. -
Chase Brexton Healthcare (LGBT Resource Center)
Chase Brexton Health Services, Inc.
(410) 837-2050
1111 North Charles Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Resource center and clinic for members of the LGBT community.
Centro de recursos y clínica para miembros de la comunidad LGBT. -
Baltimore City Needle Exchange Program (NEP) (Se Habla Español) (NEP)
Baltimore City Health Department
(410) 396-3731
3000 Druid Park Drive Suite 2C , Baltimore, MD 21215The Needle Exchange Program provides needle exchange & overdose prevention services at multiple locations & hours. Also offering free showers, clothes, toiletries throughout the week. (NEP da servicios de intercambio de agujas y prevención de sobredosis.)
Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore City
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
(410) 837-5533
421 The Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202Healthcare services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar que se ofrecen aquí! -
Alzheimer's Association: Greater Maryland Chapter (Se habla español)
Alzheimer's Association, Greater Maryland
(800) 272-3900
1850 York Rd Suite D, Suite D , Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093The Alzheimer's Association's FREE helpline 800-272-3900 is staffed by specialists and clinicians who offer confidential support and information.
La línea de ayuda GRATUITA es 800-272-3900