Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 91 - 120 of 317 results 27/30 located on map
Sollins-McCarthy Center
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Sollins-McCarthy Center , Baltimore, MD 21217Provide supportive housing for up to a year.
Proporcionar vivienda de apoyo hasta por un año. -
Jefferson Jones Center
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Jefferson Jones Center , Baltimore, MD 21231Provides permanent supportive Level II housing for women in sustained recovery.
Proporciona viviendas de apoyo permanentes de nivel II para mujeres en recuperación sostenida. -
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Se Habla Español)
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(800) 273-8255
988 hotline to support people experiencing thoughts of suicide or emotional distress. Call 988 or 1-800-273-8255. (Línea para ayudar a las personas que estan experimentando pensamientos de suicidio 1-666-628-9454).
Families Foundation Thanksgiving Dinner
Salvation Army
(410) 783-2920
1 W Pratt Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Free Thanksgiving meals Tuesday, November 22nd at the Baltimore Convention Center. Doors open at 4pm.
Marian House I (Headquarters)
Marian House
(410) 467-4121
949 Gorsuch Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218A transitional and permanent housing and support services program. (Un programa de servicios de apoyo y vivienda transitoria y permanente.)
Baltimore Abortion Fund
(443) 853-8445
Financial assistance and practical support for abortions available here.
Asistencia financiera y apoyo práctico para abortos disponibles aquí. -
Therapeutic Wellness Services (East Side)
Therapeutic Wellness Services, Corp.
(410) 665-3000
6801 Belair Road , Baltimore, MD 21206Transitional housing and treatment for substance use disorders offered here. (Vivienda de transición y tratamiento para trastornos por uso de sustancias)
No One Left Unhelped, Inc (Let’s Thrive Baltimore: Youth in Action)
No One Left Unhelped Inc
(443) 625-7720
1911 N Payson St , Baltimore, MD 21217A small community organization established in 2016 to help Baltimore youth and families who had been impacted by gun violence
Henderson Hopkins
(443) 642-2060
2100 Ashland Ave , Baltimore, MD 21205Food boxes are available for pick up Fridays at 12:00 pm, while supplies last.Student must attend school to be served.
South Church (Se habla español)
Community Meal Site
601 Cherryhill Road , Baltimore, MD 21225Produce boxes are available for pick up Thursdays at 12:00 pm, while supplies last.
Las cajas de productos agrícolas están disponibles para recoger los jueves a las 12:00 p. m., meintras se acaben las reservas. -
Zion Baptist Church (Se Habla Español)
Community Meal Site
1700 North Caroline St , Baltimore, MD 21213Produce boxes are available for pick up Wednesdays at 11:00 am, while supplies last.
Cajas de alimentos con productos frescos disponibles para recoger los miércoles a las 11:00 a.m., mientras duren las reservas. -
Spirit of Faith Deliverance (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Health Department
721 E. 25th St. , Baltimore, MD 21218Food boxes with fresh produce are available here for pickup on Wednesdays at 11 am
Cajas de comida con productos frescos disponibles aquí para recoger los miércoles a las 11 a.m. -
Outcast-Beacon Resource Center
Community Meal Site
2620 Quantico Ave , Baltimore, MD 21215Canned goods and fresh meat are available here for pickup on Tuesdays at 11am.
Helping Up Mission
(410) 675-7500
1029 East Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Overnight bed for any homeless man who needs shelter for the night.
Cama de noche para cualquier hombre sin hogar que necesite cobijo para pasar la noche. -
Peace Health Care - Dundalk (Peace Health Care)
Peace Health Care, Inc.
(410) 237-7188
6806 Holabird Ave. , Dundalk, MD 21222Addiction and substance abuse services.
Peace Health Care - Parkville (Peace Health Care)
Peace Health Care, Inc.
(410) 779-9175
8203 Harford Road , Parkville, MD 21234Addiction and substance abuse services.
(667) 212-3455
1792 Union Ave , Baltimore, MD 21211ShareBaby provides diapers, clothing and gear to highly effective community organizations-working to ensure Baltimore’s young children get the best start in life!
ShareBaby proporciona **pañales, ropa y equipo a organizaciones comunitarias altamente efectivas que trabajan para garantizar que los niños pequeños de Baltimore tengan el mejor comienzo en la vida. -
Concerted Care Group Brooklyn (CCG Brooklyn)
Concerted Care Group
(667) 260-2600
112 East Patapsco Avenue , Brooklyn, MD 21225Outpatient behavioral health treatment.
University of Maryland Addiction Treatment Center (University of Maryland Methadone Treatment Program)
University of Maryland Medical System
(443) 462-3400
1001 West Pratt Street , Baltimore, MD 21213Substance use, mental health, and other general health services offered here.
Therapeutic Wellness Services (West Side)
Therapeutic Wellness Services, Corp.
(410) 466-0127
4909 Liberty Heights Avenue , Gwynn Oak, MD 21207Transitional housing and treatment for substance use disorders offered here. (Vivienda de transición y tratamiento para trastornos por uso de sustancias)
The Well
(410) 589-6670
4710 Pennington Ave , Curtis Bay, MD 21226Food boxes with fresh produce are available for pick up Wednesdays at 12:30 pm, while supplies last.
Freedom Baptist Church
3455 Erdman Ave, , Baltimore, MD 21213Food boxes with fresh produce are available here for pickup on Wednesdays at 11:00 am.
Payson Street-III.I Halfway House
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Payson Street-III.I Halfway House , Baltimore, MD 2121724-hour coverage transitional living for women recovering from drug or alcohol addiction.
Cobertura de vivienda de transición las 24 horas para mujeres que se recuperan de la adicción a las drogas o al alcohol. -
Families First Counseling and Psychiatry (FFCP)
(240) 304-3327
800 N Charles St. , Baltimore, MD 21201Families First Counseling & Psychiatry is an outpatient mental health clinic (OMHC) providing behavioral health services for children, adolescents, and adults in Maryland.
Rec Center Meal Sites and Mobile Meal Sites
Baltimore City Health Department
(410) 545-1938
Free grab-n-go meals for youth and families!
Project PLASE
Project PLASE, Inc.
(410) 837-1400
3601 Old Frederick Road , Baltimore, MD 21229Offering food, housing, and support services for individuals without a home.
Servicio ofreciendo comida y vivienda para personas que no tiene casa -
City of Refuge (Se habla español)
City of Refuge
(410) 355-6707
3501 7th Street , Baltimore, MD 21225City of refuge provides free food on Mondays,Wenesdays and Thursdays.If its your 1st time bring your ID. See below for more information!
City of refuge proporciona comida gratis durante la semana. Lea a continuación para más información! -
Charm City Land Trust (Se habla español)
Charm City Land Trust
2424 McElderry St , Baltimore, MD 21205Produce boxes are available here for pickup on Fridays at 10am, while supplies last.
First Mount Calvary Baptist Church
1142 N Fulton Ave , Baltimore, MD 21217Produce boxes are available here for pickup on Wednesdays at 11:00am.
Beth Am Synagogue (Se habla español)
Community Meal Site
2501 Eutaw Pl. , Baltimore, MD 21217Produce boxes are available for pick up on arrival, while supplies last.
Cajas de alimentos disponibles para recoger, mientras duren las reservas.