Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 61 - 90 of 111 results 22/30 located on map
Sollins-McCarthy Center
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Sollins-McCarthy Center , Baltimore, MD 21217Provide supportive housing for up to a year.
Proporcionar vivienda de apoyo hasta por un año. -
Jefferson Jones Center
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Jefferson Jones Center , Baltimore, MD 21231Provides permanent supportive Level II housing for women in sustained recovery.
Proporciona viviendas de apoyo permanentes de nivel II para mujeres en recuperación sostenida. -
Baltimore Abortion Fund
(443) 853-8445
Financial assistance and practical support for abortions available here.
Asistencia financiera y apoyo práctico para abortos disponibles aquí. -
Concerted Care Group Central Baltimore (CCG Baltimore)
Concerted Care Group
(410) 617-0142
428 E. 25th Street, (25th Street & Greenmount Avenue) , Baltimore, MD 21218Outpatient behavioral health treatment.
Brinda tratamiento ambulatorio de salud conductual -
Concerted Care Group Frederick (CCG Frederick)
Concerted Care Group
(240) 815-7300
300 B Scholls Lane , Frederick, MD 21701Outpatient behavioral health treatment.
Brinda tratamiento ambulatorio de salud conductual -
Meals on Wheels (Se Habla Español)
Meals On Wheels, Central MD, Inc.
(410) 558-0827
515 South Haven Street , Baltimore, MD 21224Meals on Wheels provides meal and grocery delivery.
Park Heights Health
BD Health Clinics
(410) 999-6299
5260 Park Heights Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Substance use services offered here.
Baltimore City Nurse Family Partnership
Baltimore City Health Department
(667) 203-0345
Providing help to first time- mothers living in Baltimore City.
Payson Street-III.I Halfway House
Light of Truth Center
(443) 393-2109
Payson Street-III.I Halfway House , Baltimore, MD 2121724-hour coverage transitional living for women recovering from drug or alcohol addiction.
Cobertura de vivienda de transición las 24 horas para mujeres que se recuperan de la adicción a las drogas o al alcohol. -
Baltimore City Community College (ESL & Citizenship) (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Community College
(410) 986-5430
710 E. Lombard St. , Baltimore, MD 21202Free citizenship and ESL classes.
Clases gratuitas de ciudadanía y de inglés. -
Our Daily Bread Center
Catholic Charities of Baltimore City
(667) 600-3400
725 Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202Our Daily Bread is providing breakfast and lunch meals daily, employment services, on-site support, tele-support, and referrals to other services across Baltimore city.
Night of Peace Shelter
Night of Peace Family Shelter, Incorporared
(410) 922-4357
7509 Windsor Mill Road , Windsor Mill, MD 21244Provides emergency shelter, case management, meals, laundry, and shower facilities for families with children only*Referral needed.
*Brinda refugio de emergencia, administración de casos, comidas, lavandería y duchas solo para familias con niños. -
Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Inc.
(410) 637-1900
100 South Charles Street, Tower II, 8th Floor , Baltimore, MD 21201Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that manages Baltimore City's behavioral health system. They help build healthier individuals, stronger families, and safer communities.
Organization of Hope, Inc.
(443) 449-6018
218 E. Lexington Street, Suite 601 , Baltimore, MD 21202Offering many services, including substance use treatment, mental health services, childcare, and much more
COVID Telephonic Call Lines
Maryland COVID 19 Call Lines
List of telephone hotlines that offer a variety of resource help.
Lista de lineas telefonicas para ayuda con varios recursos. -
Youth Food Security
Baltimore City Health Department
(410) 934-6420
Free emergency food delivery everyday for youth ages 14-21.
B'more for Healthy Babies (BHB)
Baltimore City Health Department
BHB offer programs on childcare, access to food, and other resources to help keep babies and kids healthy.
BHB ofrece programas sobre cuidado infantil, acceso a alimentos y otros recursos para ayudar a mantener saludables a los bebés y los niños. -
Homeless Persons Representation Project (Se Habla Español) (HPRP)
Homeless Persons Representation Project
(410) 685-6589
201 N Charles St , Baltimore, MD 21201Legal help for people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless.
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
(410) 396-2273
Maryland Access Point is providing food-centered services for older adults and adults with disabilities in Baltimore City.
(410) 660-8343
PO Box 1584 , Baltimore, MD 21203Thread weaves a new social fabric by connecting students, university and community-based volunteers, and collaborators. *Thread accepts new clients ONLY in the Spring.*
CASA de Maryland (CASA de Maryland)
(866) 765-2272
2706 Pulaski Highway , Baltimore, MD 21224CASA offers information and services for housing, employment, immigration, health, job training, and more. (Se habla espanol)
Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore County (HCH-BC)
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
(443) 703-1468
9150 Franklin Square Dr, Suite 301 , Baltimore, MD 21237Health care services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar se ofrecen aquí! -
Another Chance Recovery
(443) 869-6573
8203 Harford Rd , Baltimore, MD 21234Provides recovery housing, intensive outpatient (IOP) services, counseling and traditional outpatient (OP) services.
Proporciona vivienda de recuperación, servicios ambulatorios intensivos y servicios ambulatorios tradicionales -
House of Ruth
(410) 889-0840
2201 Argonne Drive , Baltimore, MD 21218Emergency shelter and hotline for women and children. Women in need of sercive call the emergency hotline as first point of contact.
Refugio de emergencia y línea directa para mujeres y niños. -
Community Crisis Center (CCC)
Community Crisis Center, Inc.
(410) 526-7111
725 Main Street , Reisterstown, MD 21136Food pantry open here Mondays at 5pm-7pm and Saturdays at 9am-11am. Freezing weather shelter opens November 15 - April 15 when announced freezing weather. Call to check availability.
Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition (BHRC)
(410) 205-5143
116 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Get hygiene kits, safer injection and sex supplies, and more harm reduction supplies here.
Affordable Connectivity Program
COVID-19 Resources
Free or reduced WiFi and other internet services.
Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Services
Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service
(410) 547-6537
Free legal services for civil cases. Can apply over the phone or online.
Johns Hopkins Broadway Center for Addiction (911 Program)
(410) 955-5439
911 N. Broadway , Baltimore, MD 21205Outpatient treatment services for substance use disorders.
Asylee Women Enterprise (Se Habla Español) (AWE)
Asylee Women Enterprise
(443) 850-0627
4500 Frankford Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21206Provide variety of necessary care to asylum seekers.