Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 91 - 111 of 111 results 17/21 located on map
Esperanza Center (Se habla Español)
Catholic Charities of Baltimore City
(667) 600-2900
430 S Broadway , Baltimore, MD 21231Resources for immigrants: telemedicine, COVID-19 hotline, educational and legal services.
Recursos para inmigrantes: servicios médicos, educativos y legales. -
Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders (Se habla Español) (SAGE - Formerly Senior Action in a Gay Environment )
Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders
(929) 484-4160
Matches LGBT elders with volunteer community members to reduce isolation.
Une a ancianos LGBT con miembros voluntarios de la comunidad. -
Kolmac Outpatient Recovery Centers
(888) 331-5251
1 North Charles St, Suite 602 , Baltimore, MD 21201Outpatient substance use treatment with opioid detoxification.
Inspiring Change Mental Health Services (Inspiring Change MHS)
(410) 699-3738
4654 York Rd, Suite #1 , Baltimore, MD 21202Educational & Therapeutic Services.
Time Organization (Edmonson Avenue)
Time Organization
(443) 872-2230
4538 Edmondson Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21229Outpatient mental health clinic that provides therapy, behavioral health, substance abuse and community services for adults, children and families.
Grace Medical Center (Grace Medical Center Emergency Care)
LifeBridge Health
(410) 362-3000
2000 W. Baltimore Street , Baltimore, MD 2122324-hour emergency department.
Glenwood Life Counseling Center
(410) 323-9811
516 Glenwood Ave , Baltimore, MD 21212Substance abuse treatment program providing medication-assisted treatment.
Baltimore City Health Department Maternal and Child Health Services (Se Habla Español)
Baltimore City Health Department
Family planning, reproductive health and WIC application information provided over the phone. (Información sobre planificación familiar, salud reproductiva y solicitud de WIC por teléfono).
Gaudenzia Park Heights
Gaudenzia, Inc.
(410) 339-0669
4615 Park Heights Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Substance use and co-occurring disorders treatment.
Project PLASE
Project PLASE, Inc.
(410) 837-1400
3601 Old Frederick Road , Baltimore, MD 21229Offering food, housing, and support services for individuals without a home.
Servicio ofreciendo comida y vivienda para personas que no tiene casa -
MTA MobilityLink (Paratransit) Program
MTA MobilityLink
(410) 764-8181
Mobility Link is a shared rider service. Services for individuals with disabilities who cannot access MTA fixed route. Find information below on how to apply today!
Servicios para personas con discapacidades que no pueden acceder a la ruta fija de MTA. Mobility Link es un servicio de pasajero compartido. ¡Encuentre información a continuación sobre cómo presentar su solicitud hoy! -
Face Inc. Baltimore (F.A.C.E Baltimore)
Face Baltimore, Inc.
(410) 522-3223
1564 Sheffield Road , Baltimore, MD 21218Re-entry, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Provider.
Proveedor de servicios de reingreso, abuso de sustancias y salud mental. -
Civic Works
Food Rescue Baltimore
(410) 826-5955
2701 St. Lo Drive , Baltimore, MD 21213$15 worth of fresh groceries delivered to your home for Seniors only. Elder services, help with housing, and energy assistance also available here.
$15 de alimentos frescos llevado ha su hogar. Mayores de edad solamente! -
Counseling, Helpline, & Aid Network for Abused (Se habla español) (CHANA)
Counseling, Helpline, & Aid Network for Abused
(410) 234-0030
101 W Mt Royal Ave , Baltimore, MD 21201CHANA provides trauma-informed counseling, crisis intervention, legal advocacy, shelter, support groups, and prevention education for people experiencing abuse.
Apoyo para personas abusadas -
A Step Forward, Inc.
(410) 462-6001
800 N Fulton Ave 2nd Floor , Baltimore, MD 21217We offer clients our expertise and support in whatever struggle they may be currently facing by collaborating with clients, sponsors, donors, and volunteers.
Ofrecemos a los clientes nuestra experiencia y apoyo en cualquier lucha que puedan estar enfrentando actualmente al colaborar con clientes, patrocinadores, donantes y voluntarios. -
Health Care for the Homeless- West Baltimore
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
2000 W. Baltimore St., Suite 3300 , Baltimore, MD 21223Health care services for homeless people available here!
American Psychiatric Group
(410) 600-3500
17 E Franklin St , Baltimore, MD 21202Mental health and addiction services.
HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM)
(410) 500-4710
Get help finding health insurance coverage and other health services here.
Obtenga ayuda para encontrar cobertura de seguro de salud y otros servicios de salud aquí. -
Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore City
Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.
(410) 837-5533
421 The Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202Healthcare services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar que se ofrecen aquí! -
People Encouraging People - Recovery Center (PEP)
People Encouraging People
(410) 764-8560
4201 Primrose Ave , Baltimore, MD 21215Rehabilitation and support services.
Sheppard Pratt Health System - Towson Campus
Sheppard Pratt Health System
(410) 938-3000
6501 N Charles St , Baltimore, MD 21204Provides mental health, substance use, developmental disability, special education, and social services.