Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 31 - 60 of 111 results 26/30 located on map
Serenity Place
Marian House
(410) 235-5975
932 Gorsuch Ave , Baltimore, MD 2121819 unts of permanent supportive housing, staff offices, and a community room.
Tuerk House Main Campus
Tuerk House, Inc.
(410) 233-0684
730 Ashburton St , Baltimore, MD 2121640-Bed Residential Treatment Center, Outpatient Treatment Center, and Center for Integrated Behavioral Health & Urgent Care.
The Resource Group Counseling and Education Center
Resource Group
(410) 337-7772
8501 Lasalle Rd, Suite 115 , Towson, MD 21286Addiction treatment center.
Halyard Behavioral Health & Wellness (HBH Wellness)
(240) 718-8274
2415 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218Addiction and behavioral health treatment with supportive housing residences and counseling. (Tratamiento de adicciones y salud conductual con residencias de vivienda de apoyo y asesoramiento.)
CVS Pharmacy
COVID-19 Resources
CVS Pharmacy is providing FREE medication delivery services.
CVS proporciona la distribución GRATUITA para pedidos de recetas. -
Gaudenzia The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center
Gaudenzia, Inc.
(443) 423-1500
3643 Woodland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Residential and transitional housing for men.
Let’s Ride to Work Program
Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED)
Eligible participants will receive 40 Free Lyft Rides to and from work.
Issaiah House Inc.
(443) 882-1943
919 Calwell Rd. , Baltimore, MD 21229Level 3.1 Transitional 90 day housing program with an intensive outpatient and outpatient component.
Issaiah House es un programa de vivienda de transición de nivel 3.1 con un componente ambulatorio intensivo y ambulatorio. -
Deborah's Place (Deborah's Place, Inc.)
Deborah's Place, Inc.
(410) 235-2837
1903 W. North Ave , Baltimore, MD 21217Provides counseling and housing services to people dealing with addiction and substance abuse.
*Brinda servicios de asesoramiento y vivienda a personas que se enfrentan al abuso de sustancias. REFERRALS -
Marian House I (Headquarters)
Marian House
(410) 467-4121
949 Gorsuch Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218A transitional and permanent housing and support services program. (Un programa de servicios de apoyo y vivienda transitoria y permanente.)
Maryland Recovery Homes
(410) 215-2619
3812 Chesley Avenue , Baltimore, MD 212062 female houses, 3 male houses, and a 3/4 house for recovery from addiction. (2 casas de mujeres, 3 casas de hombres y una casa de 3/4 para la recuperación de la adicción).
Peace Health Care - Dundalk (Peace Health Care)
Peace Health Care, Inc.
(410) 237-7188
6806 Holabird Ave. , Dundalk, MD 21222Addiction and substance abuse services.
Peace Health Care - Parkville (Peace Health Care)
Peace Health Care, Inc.
(410) 779-9175
8203 Harford Road , Parkville, MD 21234Addiction and substance abuse services.
YO! Baltimore West (COMIDA) (Food Rescue Baltimore)
Food Rescue Baltimore
1510 W Lafayette Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21217Free produce and food! Every Tuesday at 12pm. (¡Productos y alimentos gratis! Cada martes a las 12 pm.)
Disaster Distress Helpline (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(800) 985-5990
A hotline for people who need emotional support after a disaster.
Una línea directa para personas que necesitan apoyo emocional después de un desastre. -
(443) 708-3054
2300 Garrison Blvd, Suite 120 , Baltimore, MD 21216Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center with Transitional Supportive Housing. (Centro de Tratamiento de Alcohol y Drogas con Vivienda Transicional de Apoyo).
Concerted Care Group Brooklyn (CCG Brooklyn)
Concerted Care Group
(667) 260-2600
112 East Patapsco Avenue , Brooklyn, MD 21225Outpatient behavioral health treatment.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Se Habla Español)
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(800) 273-8255
988 hotline to support people experiencing thoughts of suicide or emotional distress. Call 988 or 1-800-273-8255. (Línea para ayudar a las personas que estan experimentando pensamientos de suicidio 1-666-628-9454).
Innterim Gardens
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 887-8463
112 Sudbrook Lane , Pikesville, MD 21208Provides a short term, safe place to live for families with disabilities while receiving supportive services to move from homelessness to housing.
Proporciona seguro para vivir a corto plazo para familias con discapacidades mientras reciben servicios de apoyo para pasar de la falta de vivienda a la vivienda. -
Baltimore Action Legal Team - Jail Support Hotline
Baltimore Action Legal Team (BALT)
(410) 202-2323
1601 Guilford Avenue, 2 South , Baltimore, MD 21202Jail support hotline in the Baltimore area.
Línea directa de apoyo a la cárcel en el área de Baltimore. -
Mayor’s Office of Correspondence and Constituent Services
Baltimore City Mayor's Office
100 Holliday St, Room 250 , Baltimore, MD 21202The Mayor’s Office of Correspondence and Constituent Services helps constituents access services either through government agencies or nonprofit service providers.
Moveable Feast (Se Habla Español)
Moveable Feast
(410) 327-3420
901 N. Milton Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21205Moveable Feast provides medically nutritious meals and other services at no cost to sick and low-income individuals.
Comidas nutritivas y otros servicios gratuitos para personas enfermas. -
Be a Chef for a Day (Ser cocinero por un día)
Italian Cultural Center of Maryland
(410) 547-9934
315 Homeland Southway , Baltimore, MD 21212Be a Chef for a Day program provides hot meals and shelf-stable products (Da comidas calientes y productos de larga conservación)
New Season Treatment Center Hagerstown
New Season Treatment
(877) 284-7074
16110 Everly Road , Hagerstown, MD 21740Opioid addiction treatment and recovery.
Tratamiento y recuperación de la adicción a los opioides. -
The Mayor’s Office of African American Male Engagement (MOAAME)
Mayor's Office of African American Male Engagement
(443) 984-1055
4910 Park Heights Ave 2nd Floor , Baltimore, MD 21215The Mayor’s Office of African American Male Engagement (MOAAME) is committed to creating a Community Collaborative Network and support structure to identify the needs of men and to coordinate, advance, and implement policies and practices that promote opportunities for all of Baltimore’s African American males, as well as others we encounter, to achieve a successful and fulfilling life.
Historic East Baltimore Commuinty Action Coalition Youth Opportunity Center (HEBCAC-YO)
(443) 524-2800
1212 N Wolfe St , Baltimore, MD 21213, MD 21213Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition Youth Opportunity Center (HEBCAC-YO) addresses the education, counseling, and career development and training needs of out of school youth in East Baltimore. Our caring and knowledgeable staff provides
Sarah's Hope House (Sarah's Hope Family Shelter )
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 982-0845 x 101
1114 N. Mount Street , Baltimore, MD 21217Services include meals, activities, tutoring, adult education, case management, housing placement, etc. (Servicios: comida, actividades, tutoría, clases para adultos, administración de casos y mas.)
(667) 212-3455
1792 Union Ave , Baltimore, MD 21211ShareBaby provides diapers, clothing and gear to highly effective community organizations-working to ensure Baltimore’s young children get the best start in life!
ShareBaby proporciona **pañales, ropa y equipo a organizaciones comunitarias altamente efectivas que trabajan para garantizar que los niños pequeños de Baltimore tengan el mejor comienzo en la vida. -
The Maryland Food Bank (Se habla español)
The Maryland Food Bank
(410) 737-8282
2200 Halethorpe Farms Rd , Baltimore, MD 21227Maryland Food Bank is helping to feed Maryland citizens by providing informational resources and supporting food stamps (SNAP) applications. (Ayuda con SNAP)
March Funeral Homes
Baltimore City Health Department
(410) 542-2400
4300 Wabash Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Low cost funeral service assistance.