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The Baltimore Station
Treatment facility for homeless men.
People We Serve
Men only.
(410) 752-4454 voice
140 W. West StreetBaltimore, MD 21230
Website Information
Therapeutic residential and outpatient treatment program supporting homeless men that are mostly veterans.
Referral form available HERE.
Medium Intensity Residential Treatment (III.3) facility for homeless men.
Program Participants Receive: Case Management; Relapse Prevention; Cognitive Behavioral Groups; Grieving and Loss Counseling; Psychotherapy; Peer Facilitative Groups.
Residents keep their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits!
We do not charge any program fees to participants.Audience:
We will take a veteran from anywhere in the country who needs help.About
Helps unemployed homeless veterans obtain a sustainable income and permanent housing.
Services provided under this program include: resume writing - reworking a military resume for civilian job opportunities; interviewing skills, financial literacy, job training and placement; participants receive case management, food, and clothing.
This program is free for all veterans.Audience:
We serve homeless, male, veterans, ages 18+, that are unemployedEligibility:
Must be homeless, male, veterans, ages 18+, and unemployed. You must be able to prove you are a veteran by providing The Baltimore Station with your DD214, an ID, or your first and last name along with the last 4 digits of your social security number.About
Provide therapeutic relapse prevention services to those recovering from substance use disorder.
Services included at no cost: At least three hours of therapy weekly (Tuesday-Friday) and group therapy sessions covering a variety of issues.
Individuals who participate in this program will be able to take advantage of other services including … access to workforce development training and job readiness programs, community partners, and staffing.