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The Baltimore Station

The Baltimore Station


Treatment facility for homeless men.

People We Serve

Men only.


(410) 752-4454 voice


140 W. West Street
Baltimore, MD 21230

General Information

Therapeutic residential and outpatient treatment program supporting homeless men that are mostly veterans.

Referral form available HERE.


Clinical/Residential Program


Medium Intensity Residential Treatment (III.3) facility for homeless men.

Program Participants Receive: Case Management; Relapse Prevention; Cognitive Behavioral Groups; Grieving and Loss Counseling; Psychotherapy; Peer Facilitative Groups.

Residents keep their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits!


We do not charge any program fees to participants.


We will take a veteran from anywhere in the country who needs help.
Service Intensive Transitional Housing Program (SITH program)


Helps unemployed homeless veterans obtain a sustainable income and permanent housing.

Services provided under this program include: resume writing - reworking a military resume for civilian job opportunities; interviewing skills, financial literacy, job training and placement; participants receive case management, food, and clothing.


This program is free for all veterans.


We serve homeless, male, veterans, ages 18+, that are unemployed


Must be homeless, male, veterans, ages 18+, and unemployed. You must be able to prove you are a veteran by providing The Baltimore Station with your DD214, an ID, or your first and last name along with the last 4 digits of your social security number.
Intensive Outpatient & Outpatient Programming (IOP/OP)


Provide therapeutic relapse prevention services to those recovering from substance use disorder.

Services included at no cost: At least three hours of therapy weekly (Tuesday-Friday) and group therapy sessions covering a variety of issues.

Individuals who participate in this program will be able to take advantage of other services including …  access to workforce development training and job readiness programs, community partners, and staffing.


We accept Medicaid.