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Sacred Heart of Jesus - Assisi House (Se habla Español)
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Assisi House provides food, clothing, referrals and encouragement to the homeless of the area, men and women in rehabilitation programs, immigrants and needy families.
(410) 342-4336 voice
600 S Conkling StreetBaltimore, MD 21224
General Information
Assisi House is the outreach center of St. Patrick and Sacred Heart of Jesus parishes since 1983. It provides food, clothing, referrals and encouragement to the homeless of the area, men and women in rehabilitation programs, immigrants and needy families. In coordination with Esperanza Center and John Hopkins, it hosts educational and mental health programs for the commun… nity. Luncheons for seniors are held twice monthly. Assisi House depends on donations to provide these services.
Assisi House es el centro de ayuda de las parroquias de San Patricio y Sagrado Corazón de Jesús desde 1983. Proporciona comida, ropa, referencias y aliento a las personas sin hogar de la zona, a hombres y mujeres en programas de rehabilitación, a inmigrantes y a familias necesitadas. En coordinación con Esperanza Center y John Hopkins, alberga programas educativos y de salud mental para la comunidad. Los almuerzos para personas mayores se llevan a cabo dos veces al mes. La Casa de Asís depende de donaciones para brindar estos servicios.
The church is offering free COVID-19 vaccines on Fridays from 4pm till 7pm.
Anyone over the age of 5 is eligible for the vaccine.Service Categories
Food boxes with fresh produce are available for pick up Wednesdays at 9:30 am, while supplies last.
Las cajas de alimentos con productos frescos están disponibles para recoger los miércoles a las 9:30 am, hasta agotar existencias.
All city residents.Languages
- English
- Spanish
Service Categories
Food boxes and clothing are available upstairs on Tuesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Assisi House. Food boxes are also available in the parking lot on Fridays at 11am.
Las bolsas de comida estaran disponibles en el segundo piso los martes y viernes de 11 a.m. a 1 p.m. en la Casa Assisi.
Regular Schedule
This is a free service. (Este es un servicio gratuito.)Audience:
Homeless, persons in rehab programs, and needy families in East Baltimore in zipcodes 21231 and 21224.How to Apply:
Food and clothing is given out on Tuesdays & Fridays from 11am to 1pm upstairs at Assisi House for individuals & families. Additional food boxes are provided on Thursdays at 11 am at the door. (La comida y ropa se repartirá los martes y viernes de 11:00am a 1:00pm en el segundo piso de la Casa Assisi para individuos y familias. Cajas de comida también se distribuirán los jueves a las 11 a.m. en la puerta de la parroquia.)Languages
- English
- Spanish