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Restoring Minds Behavioral Health Services
Behavioral health, case management and community resources.
People We Serve
Individuals 18 and over.
(443) 943-0007 voice
1105 North Point Blvd, Suite 310Baltimore, MD 21224
General Information
Provide tools, programs and resources for substance abuse and mental health adult patients. Services include: intensive outpatient level 2.1, outpatient level 1, early intervention level 0.5, and DUI Education.
Click HERE for referral form.
Virtual Classes Available.
Offers a 12 hour education program for DUI/DWI offenders who are not present with a diagnosable alcohol/substance abuse disorder, but are court-ordered to attend Alcohol and Drug Education classes.
Provide you with treatment in an outpatient, non-residential setting for those suffering from substance use disorder (SUD).
We offer regularly scheduled sessions 6 to 10 hours per week.
The length of time in the program will vary depending on individual needs.
How to Apply:
After assessing your individual needs a custom treatment plan will be developed.About
Attend (IOP) three to four days per week, or 9 to 12 hours per week depending on treatment needs. Provided with a combination of individual counseling and group counseling.
Staff are highly skilled in: individual, group, and family counseling; case management services; addictive disease education; psychiatric consultation; social work services; psychological serv… vices for dual diagnosis; diet and nutritional counseling and education; and special groups for parenting, infectious diseases, anger management, co-dependency, criminal offenders, and trauma.
Educational program for DUI offenders.
Assessments are conducted on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Class sessions are held on Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m.
Participants must successfully complete all modules to receive a Certificate of Completion. A report of your progress will be provided to the court as needed.
If you fail to comple… ete the program within seven (7) weeks, you are required to start over based on the facilitator's opinion and will be charged.
Assessment – $125.00; Per Class – $40.00 (there are 6 classes to complete the program); Total Cost for individuals who pay for the entire class upfront – $350.00; Accepted forms of payment – Cash, Credit/Debit Card, or money order. All payments for any services provided are non-refundable.Eligibility:
Must be a Maryland resident, 16 years or older, and court ordered.How to Apply:
May be referred by a private attorney, public defender, or States Attorney, Parole & Probation, or self referredAbout
Assist you with identifying stable housing with physical health care management; Exploring eligibility for benefits to include: Food stamps, Comprehensive health insurance, Social Security income and disability benefits; Assistance with identifying gainful employment and applying for job opportunities Assistance with managing daily life tasks: Appointment setting, Persona… al grooming, Time management, Personal budgeting and finance, Legal support and advocacy.
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