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People Encouraging People - Recovery Center (PEP)

People Encouraging People - Recovery Center (PEP)

People Encouraging People


Rehabilitation and support services.

People We Serve

Adults ages 18 and older.


(410) 764-8560 voice


4201 Primrose Ave
Baltimore, MD 21215



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General Information

Programs include clinical services, psychiatric rehabilitation services, housing services, transitional age youth program, and services for homeless people.

Payments accepted: Medicare & Medicaid.


FYI: For Your Independence


This program provides wraparound services to families headed by single head-of-households receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and who are addicted to substances. The goal is to stabilize family functions sufficiently so that the addicted parent can enter substance abuse treatment, with the goal of returning to support their family through employment. …  Services include assessment and referrals for ancillary services, employment training, placement and support, childcare and parent training, and transportation services.


(410) 366-4299 voice
Assertive Community Treatment


A mobile, evidence-based practice of integrated psychiatric, substance abuse and somatic treatment provided by transdisciplinary teams in the community.


(410) 358-9570 voice
(410) 358-9570 voice


Youth, Adults, Family; Those with serious mental illness, co-occurring disorders, HIV/AIDs, homeless, or need community re-entry.
C.A.R.E.S. Program


Psychiatric Rehabilitation program for seriously mentally ill individuals experiencing persistent and severe symptoms of schizophrenia. Assists participants to learn the skills needed to live independently in the community.


(410) 764-8560 voice


Adults diagnosed with a mental illness and a co-occurring substance abuse disorder.
MISA Program


Psychiatric Rehabilitation program that uses an abstinence model with a twelve-step focus and offers skill acquisition, community integration, relapse prevention and pre-employment services. Help those with HIV/AIDs.


(410) 764-8560 voice


Adults diagnosed with a mental illness and a co-occurring substance abuse disorder.
Young Adult Program


Helps manage symptoms of illness and live independently. Utilizes a positive peer model, each group of 15 participants entering and graduating the program together. Focus on personal adjustment, employment readiness and health maintenance.


(410) 764-8560 voice


Young adults aged 18-25 who have recently experienced their first psychotic episode.
Residential Rehabilitation Services


Structured, residentially based training and support services, with integrated clinical treatment, are provided in PEP owned housing. These services, aimed at the development of skills, modification of behavior, improvement in symptoms management, and procuring resources, are provided in accordance with assessed and expressed needs, and range from several hours per week t… to daily 24-hour support. The goal for some is movement to less structured supports; for others, the goal is to maintain their current level of support.


(410) 764-8560 voice
Supported Living Services


Individualized in-home support services are provided in the client’s home. Support may include assistance with mediation management, symptom’s monitoring and management, home management, self-care, community integration, money management and accompaniment to medical or other appointments.


(410) 764-8560 voice
Deaf Unity


A self-contained, individualized program for individuals with mental illness who are deaf and/or deaf blind, focusing on skills acquisition, symptoms assimilation, language acquisition, and community integration.


(410) 764-9118 tty
Transitional Age Youth Program


Offered in Baltimore City and County, this program employs a wraparound model to assist young people with mental health, emotional and/or conduct difficulties to transition successfully from school to adult living. This program focuses on employment, independent housing, relationship building, personal safety and jail aversion.


(410) 764-8560 voice
Forensic Program


This residentially based, comprehensive program provides a total rehabilitation experience for individuals exiting the forensic mental health system. This is a highly therapeutic program, incorporating a 12 step approach to abstinence, with earned privileges through positive rehabilitation outcomes.


(410) 764-8560 voice
Intensive Case Management


Similar to community support services, this service is aimed at serving people who, for various reasons, are not able to benefit from other traditional services. Staff to client ratios are 1:15 or less. Advocacy, service coordination, resource procurement, counseling, support and skills training take place in the clients’ location of choice, with an emphasis on prolonged engagement.


(410) 366-4299 voice
Placement Services


This activity involves matching a client’s work skills with available jobs. Using a highly individualized approach, job developers assess available jobs and match them with the skills, readiness factors, and specific needs of job seekers. Individual, competitive placements are the preferred outcome, with part-time, enclave and other special employment arrangements available for those who need them.


(410) 764-8560 voice
Job Coaching and Support


On-the-job coaching is provided to assist with job orientation, on-the-job training and to intervene with any difficulties the employee or employer may encounter. Support is also provided to employer regarding ADA compliance, incidental training of other workers, and performance assessment information.


(410) 764-8560 voice
Psychiatric Group Practice


Provides facility-based individual and group psychotherapy, supportive therapy, pharmacological therapy and medication management services.


(410) 764-8560 voice


4201 Primrose Avenue


Youth, adult, and elderly; Those with serious mental illness, co-occurring disorders, are deaf, homeless, or need community re-entry.
Affordable Housing


People Encouraging People has been in the business of providing affordable housing for people with limited incomes for over ten years. Today, with a portfolio of over 60 properties, PEP provides housing in a wide range of settings throughout Baltimore City and County. Although support services are often also provided to tenants, they are not a requirement of leasing. Sing… gle family homes, duplexes and small apartment complexes, all beautifully maintained by PEP staff, offer the opportunity for full community participation that many of our tenants might not otherwise enjoy.


(410) 366-4299 voice
Recovery Services for The Treatment of Addictims & Co-Ocuring disorders


This program provides a holistic approach to harm reduction and abstinence using the stages of change model. Services and supports are crafted individually, and sobriety is not a criteria for services.


(410) 366-4299 voice
Vitality Program


Psychiatric Rehabilitation program for elders that has a focus on wellness and community integration. Helps you to maintain health, housing, and independence throughout retirement years.


(410) 764-8560 voice


Elders with co-occurring disorders and serious mental illness.
Community Living Program


We offer a cycle of 16 week classes to adults with psychiatric illness in a wide range of topics designed to meet the rehabilitation needs of participants. Focus is on life skills to prepare participants for employment services, a return to post-secondary education, and a move to a more independent housing arrangement.


(410) 764-8560 voice


Adults diagnosed with a serious mental illness and a co-occurring substance abuse disorder.
Harm Reduction


Baltimore City’s Overdose Response Programs distribute Naloxone (Narcan) to residents at high risk of opioid overdose.

Homeless Services


Services for people that are homeless including: outreach, case management services, recovery center, and co-occurring disorders treatment.