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Maryland Peer Advisory Council (MPAC)
Overdose Response Program.
(443) 438-7569 voice
(410) 357-1103 voice
2233 Orleans StreetBaltimore, MD 21231
General Information
The MPAC aim to advocate, educate and support peers, individuals, families, and communities seeking recovery.
MPAC Advocacy & Leadership Program in collaboration with the Light of Truth Center, Inc. adopted an IC & RC Approved Testing site for peers seeking CPRS (Maryland Certified Peer Recovery Specialist) certification.
Light of Truth Center Training Restoration Center, 2233 Orleans Street, Baltimore, MD 21231About
We provide educational, advocacy and leadership training for individuals, allies, family, community members and supporters of recovery.
Includes training for Peer Recovery Coaches in addition to Maryland Addiction and Behavioral-health Professional Certification Board (MABPCB) approved trainings.
How to Apply:
If interested in learning more about the MPAC Advocacy & Leadership Program (MPAC ALP) please email
3C Recovery Support Training Institute is the training academy that provides quality training and support for individuals and agencies who care for people with substance use disorders and mental health conditions. Trainings are non-clinical courses, designed to enhance participants’ knowledge and skills in the delivery of person-centered recovery support.
Training Restoration Center, 2233 Orleans Street, Baltimore, MD 21231About
Peer to Peer Support Groups provide a safe, supportive and confidential environment, one which peers support peers by sharing experiences, gaining mutual support along with promoting workforce wellness. Meetings are held virtually via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 961 2561 7463
Passcode: MPAC
Regular Schedule
We are an authorized provider for the Maryland Center of Harm Reduction Services Overdose Response Program. We provide training on how to respond in event of a medical overdose emergency.
Attendees of the training will receive information and resources in reference to: 1) Recognize the warning, symptoms and signs of opioid overdose 2) Training on responding to a… an opioid overdose 3) The proper use and administration of naloxone 4) Proper rescue breathing technique 5) The importance of contacting emergency medical services 6) The care of an individual after the administration of naloxone 7) Information in reference to the Good Samaritan Law.