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Modest Needs

Modest Needs

Modest Needs Non-profit


This organization offers financial assitance in the form of grants to assist families and individuals in time of need.


(844) 667-3776 voice



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General Information

Modest Needs provides financial assisitance to individuals and families in crisis. Families and individuals just above the poverty level, and are not eligible for traditional social assisitance can find support they need here. Modest Needs offers two types of Grants that can be found on their about page.
1. The Self Sufficiency Grant
2. The Homecoming Heroes Grant

Normal Hours are:
Monday-Friday (9:00-5:00PM)
To see if you qualify today, visit their website and start an application online.


The Self Sufficiency Grant


Families and individuals who are living and working just above the poverty level, and are not eligible for traditional social assistance can find support they need here. Individuals living alone, first responders, and public school teachers are given special consideration. See eligibility requirements below.


(844) 667-3776 voice


Individuals and households in financial threat and in need of monthly bill assistance and unexpected or emergency expenditure assistance.


At least one adult member of the applicant's household must be documentably employed at the time of the application; AND The primary (largest) source of income for each applicant's household must be either income earned from employment; or child support payments; or Veteran's Benefits; or retirement income (including Social Security retirement benefits).

How to Apply:

Visit and check eligibility.

Service Categories

The Homecoming Heroes Grant


This grant is designed for military veterans that have recently returned form overseas deployment in danger of slipping into poverty during the transition to civilian life. The following types of assistance are provided:

Help to afford a one-time emergency expense that would otherwise pose a tremendous hardship for the applicant or his/her household.

Help to afford the cost of a regular monthly bill, like a rental or mortgage payment, which the applicant cannot pay due to any of the following circumstances.


(844) 667-3776 voice


No Fees.


Military veterans that have returned from overseas deployment.


In order to be eligible to apply for a Homecoming Heroes grant, the applicant must be able to document that he or she has been honorably released from active military duty within the past five years AND the applicant must have applied for (or be waiting to receive) a source of income that, once established, will allow the applicant to maintain a level of self-sufficiency.


  • English

Service Categories
