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Maryland Emergency Food Assistance Program (Programa de Asistencia Alimentaria de Emergencia de Maryland)

Maryland Emergency Food Assistance Program (Programa de Asistencia Alimentaria de Emergencia de Maryland)

Maryland Dept. of Human Services


Find food assistance near you.

General Information

Click here to access the food distribution map for Maryland. You can put in your zip code to find pantries and locations serving meals near you.


The Emergency Food Assistance Program (Programa de Ayuda Alimentaria de Emergencia)


Food goods are distributed to eligible locations throughout Baltimore City. Locations include eligible soup kitchens, food pantries and shelters. Foods include non-perishables, meats and dairy. To see a complete list of foods available, visit the website link here. … /imapwab/?appid=f9a62c57de3d4e878f48604870ce0f06">Click here for a list of Maryland Emergency Food Program sites.
Los alimentos básicos se distribuyen a lugares elegibles en toda la ciudad de Baltimore. Las ubicaciones incluyen comedores de beneficencia elegibles, despensas de alimentos y refugios. Los alimentos incluyen alimentos no perecederos, carnes y lácteos. Para ver una lista completa de los alimentos disponibles, visite el enlace del sitio web aquí. Seleccione aquí para ver una lista de sitios del Programa de Alimentos de Emergencia de Maryland.


Low income and unemployed people (Público: personas de bajos ingresos y desempleadas)

How to Apply:

If you live in Baltimore City or County, go to and click Find Food. Enter your zip code and how many miles you’re willing to travel, and click Search. A list should pop up with food sites near your location.

Service Categories

Food, Food Pantry