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EmPOWER Maryland Limited Income Energy Efficiency Program

EmPOWER Maryland Limited Income Energy Efficiency Program

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development


Utility assistance available - get free home energy upgrades here. (Asistencia de servicios públicos disponible: obtenga actualizaciones gratuitas de energía para el hogar aquí).


(410) 209-5800 voice

General Information

The EmPOWER program can help you lower your monthly energy bills for free.

El programa EmPOWER puede ayudarlo a reducir sus facturas mensuales de energía de forma gratuita.


EmPOWER Maryland Limited Income Energy Efficiency Program


The EmPOWER program can help you reduce your home energy usage. This will give you a more comfortable home, lower your monthly power bills, and improve your family's health. As long as you meet the income limits, any home services they provide will be free. If you are eligible for the program, a local energy agency will audit your home and determine what work needs to be …  done. They will make the best plan for your home and make any needed upgrades free of charge. The income limits are listed below and can also be found here. Click here to begin by completing the pre-application.




To be eligible, you must meet the income requirements. You must also be a utility customer with one of the following companies: BGE, Delmarva Power, FirstEnergy, Pepco, SMECO or Washington Gas​. The income requirements are listed below. Income limits are based on your household side and annual income.If your household size is 1, you must make less than $54,950. If your household size is 2, you must make less than $62,800. If your household size is 3, you must make less than $70,650. If your household size is 4, you must make less than $78,500. If your household size is 5, you must make less than $84,800. If your household size is 6, you must make less than $91,050. If your household size is 7, you must make less than $100,300. If your household size is 8, you must make less than $111,650. For each additional person, add $11,350.

How to Apply:

Click the link below to complete the easy pre-application.