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Penn North Recovery Center (MDCHI, Inc.)

Penn North Recovery Center (MDCHI, Inc.)

Maryland Community Health Initiatives, Inc.


Recovery support for substance abuse, poverty, homelessness.


(410) 728-2080 voice
(410) 728-2038 fax


2410 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21217



Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -

General Information

Our mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and families struggling to overcome substance abuse, homelessness, unemployment, poverty, crime, and violence.

No appointment or referral necessary, Walk-Ins Welcome!
Call for Saturday and Sunday Schedule (varies)


Employment Assistance


Penn North's job readiness and placement assistance program provides assessment, training, and personalized coaching that enables you to enter or re-enter the workforce. Our goal is to help our clients secure and maintain living-wage employment.

Our Services Include:
- Resume Development
- One-On-One Job Coaching
- 6-Week Job Readiness Classes
- Federal Bonding
- Expungement Informational Sessions
- GED Classes
- Computer Literacy Classes

Service Categories



Five small, pre-sterilized, disposable needles are placed into specific sites on each ear. You sit quietly in a group setting for about 45 minutes, relaxing or meditating.

Acupuncture treatment for addictions is clinically effective, cost-efficient, drug-free, and compatible cross-culturally. The combined application of acupuncture with counseling and self-help groups such as AA and NA enhances your opportunities for success.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction


Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. Individual counseling and group therapy provided, as well as education and support to sustain recovery from substance abuse.

Clients also are encouraged to attend NA meetings offered.

How to Apply:

All clients undergo a comprehensive clinical assessment during which a plan of treatment is developed.
Wellness & Community Services


Services Include:

- Weekly Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- Groceries Provided Monthly in Partnership with the Maryland Food Bank
- Monthly Healing Circles Facilitated by Power Inside
- Smoking Cessation Classes
- Bi-Monthly Sex Education, HIV, and STD testing, Facilitated by Total Healthcare
- Nutrition Education and Cooking Classes
- Massage, Zero Balancing, and other forms of bodywork
- Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and other martial arts
- Mind-Body techniques including Yoga, Meditation, Visualization, and Breathing
- Exercise and Fitness Equipment
- Art Therapy
- Referrals to Outside Services

Service Categories

Food, Goods, Education
Baltimore Recovery Corps


The Baltimore Recovery Corps (BRC) was launched in spring 2011, as part of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s StepUp Baltimore volunteer initiative. The Baltimore Recovery Corps (BRC) is a peer-based coaching and advocacy recovery support service that is non-clinical and designed to engage persons seeking access to treatment, those preparing to leave treatment and reestablish life in the community, and recent program graduates seeking to access recovery support services. Penn North is the home for the BRC, offering an array of Peer trainings that provide individuals in recovery with opportunities to “give back” through service in the growing Peer Recovery Support profession. Core Recovery Training: The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© CCAR Supplemental Recovery Trainings: Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches Ethical Considerations WRAP® WRAP Mental Health First Aid® Mental Health Spirituality for Recovery Coaches Spirituality