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Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training (MCVET)

Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training (MCVET)


Comprehensive substance abuse support for veterans. (Proporcionar a los veteranos sin hogar y otros veteranos necesitados servicios integrales que les permitan reincorporarse a sus comunidades como ciudadanos productivos.)

People We Serve

Eligible veterans, regardless of discharge status or VA healthcare eligibility.


(410) 576-9626 voice
(410) 576-9628 fax


301 North High Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

General Information

Provide housing, case management, mental health services, education and training, and employment services to help veterans transition into society. Must complete a detox program before receiving assistance and before admission.

Open 24/7 with office hours from 9am - 5pm.

Intake information found HERE, including a list of items to bring, intake days, referrals, and more.

Brinda alojamiento, comidas, administración de casos, educación y capacitación, y servicios de empleo para permitir una transición completa a la sociedad.


Transitional Housing


The Transitional Housing Program has 120 beds and provides up to two years of transitional housing and supportive services to veterans. Individuals enrolled require continued supportive services to return to employment and permanent housing.


Must have successfully completed the Emergency Shelter Program.

Service Categories

Drop in Facility


The Day-Drop provides homeless veterans a place for comfort and support. You are provided with access to shower facilities, clothing, water and vending machines, crisis intervention counseling and a rest area.

The Facility has a 50 person capacity.

Health Care


Our residents often have mental health issues including: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, and family problems. The information and referral process ensures you receive quality care and access to health care services.

Mental: Referrals for mental health issues are made to Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.

Physical: A Vision Care clinic is located on-site and physical health problems referred to and treated at the local Veterans Affairs Medical Centers or through private physicians.

Service Categories

Substance Use Disorder/Mental Health


First 60 Days: You are assigned to a case manager and attend addiction recovery classes daily. You receive individual counseling and on-site assistance including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse and assistance with family problems. Also assigned to a benefits counselor who helps with VA entitlements.

After 60 Days: You may move to the Transtional Housing Program where you are required to attend life skills and substance abuse classes, Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and work in with a case manager to develop an Individual Service Strategy (ISS).

ISS outlines education, employment and housing goals and documents strategies to help individuals stay drug free.

Emergency Housing


The Emergency Housing component is the first phase for veterans committing to the MCVET program.

Has a capacity of 50 beds and available for a minimum of 13 weeks. You receive VA benefits counseling, and are assigned to a case manager that helps identify the causes of the homelessness and outlines employment and education goals.


Military status must be confirmed.

Service Categories

Housing, Emergency Shelter
Single Room Occupancy (SRO)


The Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program is a gateway leading towards permanent housing contributing to the overall continuum of care.

Functions with the Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing Programs to provide housing, counseling and job placement services to veterans in need. If you are a veteran applicant from outside MCVET's program, you are also eligible for the SRO units.

Service Categories

Harm Reduction


Baltimore City’s Overdose Response Programs distribute Naloxone (Narcan) to residents at high risk of opioid overdose.

Intensive Outpatient Program/Outpatient Program (IOP/OP)


Helps individuals struggling with substance use disorders maintain sobriety from alcohol and/or drugs. You will work with a clinician to develop and complete a personalized treatment plan.

IOP: Meet in a group setting 4 times a week for 12 weeks.
OP: Meet in a group setting 3 times a week for 6 weeks.

A certificate is received upon completion of the program.


(410) 576-9626 x 215 voice


Yes - most major insurances accepted including Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE.
Case Management (Counseling)


During the first 60 days of residency, you are assigned to a case manager and attend addiction recovery classes daily. You receive individual counseling and on-site assistance for substance abuse and mental health disorders. A benefits counselor also helps with VA entitlements.

We help with: budget & financial planning; employment & education assistance; transportation; meal planning and nutrition; lease understanding; primary care & mental health referral; household items & clothing; food assistance; substance abuse assistance; and benefits assistance.


Homeless veterans.

How to Apply:

Case manager performs an assessment to: 1) Determine whether you meet the criteria of homelessness and 2) Verify their veteran status. If accepted, you are referred to the Veterans Affairs for physical and mental health treatment.
Education/Employment Services


The Education, Training, and Employment (ETE) program involves you in higher education or skilled training programs that enable you to secure first-rate employment and higher paying salaries.

Education & Training: Assessment is completed after your case manager makes a referral to ETE. After being enrolled, the program coordinator tracks performance until the completion of his program.

Employment: Referred after education and training in partnership with Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulations (DLLR). Includes: intensive job development, job search, labor market information, assisted placement, job workshops, resume preparation, and interview skills training.

Service Categories
