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Maryland Access Point (MAP)

Maryland Access Point (MAP)

Maryland Access Point (MAP)


Maryland Access Point is providing food-centered services for older adults and adults with disabilities in Baltimore City.


(410) 396-2273 voice


  • Emergency Needs
  • Food Resources


Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -

General Information

Maryland Access Point (MAP) is working to provide support resources to older adults and adults with disabilities in Baltimore City. They are working with Meals on Wheels and Salvation Army Grocery Boxes Delivery to provide free meals and grocery delivery to Baltimore city residents older than 60 or with disabilites. Call MAP at 410-396-2273 and press 2 to enroll. MAP will give you a referral to Meals on Wheels, which will delivery the groceries to your home. It takes about two weeks for a referral to be processed.
