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Light of Truth Center (LTC Training Restoration Center)

Light of Truth Center (LTC Training Restoration Center)


Providing safe, clean, and affordable housing to women recovering from addiction.
Brindar viviendas seguras, limpias y asequibles a mujeres que se recuperan de una adicción.

People We Serve

Women aged 21+.


(443) 393-2109 voice
(866) 910-5074 fax


3308 Kyle Court
Baltimore, MD 21244

General Information

Provides safe and supportive housing to help women recovering from addictions.

The program includes: spiritual healing, hygiene, parenting, money management, counseling, re-entering the work force, interviewing skills, and dressing for success.

Payments Accepted: Medicaid and out of network insurance.

Fill out and Submit referral do… ocuments [HERE] Women are admitted to our program through a referral process.

Descripción del servicio:
Proporcionar viviendas seguras y de apoyo para facilitar la educación, el empoderamiento, la iluminación y la curación de las mujeres que se recuperan de las adicciones.
Se ha desarrollado un programa para los participantes que pone un mayor énfasis en la curación espiritual, la higiene, la crianza de los hijos, la administración del dinero, el asesoramiento, el reingreso a la fuerza laboral, las habilidades para las entrevistas y la vestimenta para el éxito.
Para solicitar más información, haga clic aquí

Este recurso no ha indicado que ofrezcan servicios en español o que tengan personal que hable español, entonces se recomienda traer un intérprete que hable inglés o tecnología de interpretación para recibir los servicios.


Outpatient/Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP/OP)


Programs are person-centered and assessments are provided for all program participants. Programs address many issues, including relapse prevention, triggers, retraining the brain, breaking the cycle of addiction, managing emotions, spirituality, stages of change, and other factors that impact addictive behaviors and recovery.

Groups are currently forming!


(443) 438-7569 voice


Women who are 21 and over


Referral based
DUI/DWI program


DUI/DWI program is an evidence-based alcohol and drug educational program. Classes are designed to meet the requirements of the courts, Probation, Education, Insurance companies, MD Department of Motor Vehicles, and Employers. Classes may be a requirement for individuals convicted of a first time DUI/DWI offense or a condition of probation.

Classes are formed regularly!


(443) 500-5047 voice
ISO Quality Test Site


Provides certification exams for individuals seeking to continue their education and have easier access to taking their exams.

Sharing Hope, Inspiration, Forgiveness, & Trust (SHIFT) (SHIFT)


Opportunity to engage women beyond housing, raising their awareness of self-worth and to present opportunities for spiritual-physical-mental growth. We do this by engaging business entrepreneurs, business professionals, artists, and individuals to present hands-on workshops.

Regular Schedule

Friday: -
Supportive Housing (Vivienda de apoyo)


Provides: Room and shelter; Prepared meals and additional food stock (Level I Housing Only); Soap, toothpaste, deodorants, and toothbrushes (Level I Housing Only); Clothing when necessary; Peer group counseling; Urine analysis; Relapse prevention information; 12- Step introduction/12 Step Spirituality Hour; SHIFT Program – Sharing Hope Inspiration Faith & Trust; An en… nvironment conducive to recovery; A safe environment; Love and support; Individual therapy.

As a resident, expected to: Attendance at all mandatory meetings, groups, and individual sessions (No Excuses); Have consistent attendance to aftercare sessions (Level I Housing Only); Your presence for dinner at 5:00 PM everyday (Level I Housing Only); Create and follow a plan of action for the recovery process; Completion of household chores on time everyday; Follow all house guidelines; Pay program fees by the 5th of every month (No Excuses); Respect for and among each other and all staff/volunteers; Attendance at all workshops and social events planned for/by LTC; Honesty, openness, and willingness


Yes -- Medicaid and out of network insurance is accepted. (Tarifas: Si hay tarifas; Se acepta Medicaid y seguros fuera de la red.)


Women in recovery from drugs and alcohol. (Personas Atendidas: Mujeres en recuperación de drogas y alcohol.)


Must be at least 21 years of age; be able to pay program fees; must have 28-30 days clean (for 1st Level Housing); 9 months or more (2nd Level Housing) or have completed a Detox Program; Must be referred to the program by a counselor or case worker; Self referrals will be entertained on a case by case situation (Must be able to demonstrate sobriety/clean time)

How to Apply:

1) Refer client using the referral form 2) Provide Biopsychosocial and discharge information 3) Provide any and all medical information 4) Send all requested documentation via email to ( or fax to (866-910-5074) 5) Schedule a telephone intake and a tour of the facilities 6) After the intake and tour is complete, clients will be notified within 48 hrs. of acceptance/non-acceptance 7) Move in date and instructions will be given upon acceptance. --