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Health Care for the Homeless- West Baltimore

Health Care for the Homeless- West Baltimore

Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.


Health care services for homeless people available here!


2000 W. Baltimore St., Suite 3300
Baltimore, MD 21223



Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -

General Information

Provides primary care and case management to homeless residents of Baltimore County. Services include preventative medical, nursing, dental and behavioral health care, case management, and outreach.


Health Services


Call 410-703-1400 to schedule an appointment. Appointments are available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8am-4:30pm; Thursdays (telehealth only) from 8am-12pm.
Services include adult, pediatric and family medical and dental care, case management (including insurance and benefits enrollment), occupational therapy, psychiatry, substance use disorder (addiction) treatment (including medication-assisted treatment & syringe services), behavioral health therapy.

How to Apply:

All clients should call 410-703-1400 to schedule appointments and to determine whether an in-person visit is necessary.
Housing Services


HCH helps individuals find stable housing in Baltimore City. They can help you with housing applications, accessing benefits, and even move-in supplies.

HCH ayuda a las personas a encontrar una vivienda estable en la ciudad de Baltimore. Pueden ayudarlo con las solicitudes de vivienda, el acceso a los beneficios e incluso los suministros para la mudanza.







How to Apply:

Call the center for more information.

Service Categories

Housing, Help Find Housing
Services for Youth


For youth under 21, living in a shelter, staying with friends or couch surfing, runaway, or getting out of the foster care or criminal justice system. Provide services include, primary medical care, dental care, pre-natal/OB care, HIV and STI testing, specialized care for young people who are HIV-positive, birth control, and addictions and mental health counseling.


At clinics and mobile clinics.


Youth under 21

How to Apply:

Bring id if the client has one, eligble ones include: An ID (driver’s license, state ID card, etc.), social Security card (with Social Security number) Insurance card, Recent paystub(s) if employed. For a child, please bring: the name of any prior medical provider, a shot (immunization) record, the name and number of any specialist your child is currently seeing or has seen in the past, name and dosage of any medications the child is currently taking, and for OB clients, the birth certificate of newborn.
Mobile Clinic


Healthcare for the Homeless is now offering a mobile clinic service at various locations throughout the city. The mobile clinic hours are typically Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:30am-4pm. Click here to view the updated March 2025 schedule with times and locations.

Healthcare for the Homeless ahora ofrece un servicio de clínica móvil en varios lugares de la ciudad. El horario de atención de la clínica móvil suele ser los lunes, martes, miércoles y viernes de 8:00 a 16:00 horas. Haga clic aquí para ver el calendario actualizado de Marzo de 2025 con horarios y ubicaciones.

Regular Schedule

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Friday: -


None. (Tarifas: No hay tarifas)


Everyone. (Personas Atendidas: Todos)


None. (Elegibilidad: No hay requisitos)

Service Categories

HIV Testing and Counseling


Walk in for testing and counseling services. No appointment or application is necessary. Will connect individuals who are HIV-positive but not yet in treatment to appropriate medical and social services. Specific Services offered include on-site HIV testing, pre-test information and post-test counseling, risk reduction behavior screening and counseling, Evaluation for/initiation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV negative persons at risk. Call 410-837-5533 for more information. (Puedes acudir sin cita para servicios de pruebas y consejería. No se necesita cita ni solicitud. Se conectará a las personas que son VIH positivas pero que aún no están en tratamiento con los servicios médicos y sociales adecuados. Los servicios específicos incluyen pruebas de VIH en el lugar, información previa a la prueba y consejería posterior a la prueba, evaluación de comportamiento de reducción de riesgo y consejería, y evaluación/iniciación de profilaxis previa a la exposición (PrEP) para personas VIH negativas en riesgo. Llama al 410-837-5533 para más información.)


Available at all clinic sites and mobile clinic. (Disponible en los sitios de la clínica y en la clínica móvil.)