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Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore County (HCH-BC)

Health Care for the Homeless- Baltimore County (HCH-BC)

Health Care for the Homeless, Inc.


Health care services for homeless people offered here!
¡Servicios de atención médica para personas sin hogar se ofrecen aquí!


(443) 703-1468 voice


9150 Franklin Square Dr, Suite 301
Baltimore, MD 21237



Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -

General Information

Healthcare for the Homeless provides health care services and supportive services (including medical, nursing and behavioral care and case management) to people experiencing homelessness.

Descripción del servicio:
Healthcare for the Homeless brinda servicios de atención médica y servicios de apoyo (que incluyen atención médica, de enfermería y conductual y administración de casos) a personas sin hogar.

Este recurso no ha indicado que ofrezcan servicios en español o que tengan personal que hable español, entonces se recomienda traer un intérprete que hable inglés o tecnología de interpretación para recibir los servicios.


Housing Services


HCH helps individuals find stable housing in Baltimore City. They can help you with housing applications, accessing benefits, and even move-in supplies.

HCH ayuda a las personas a encontrar una vivienda estable en la ciudad de Baltimore. Pueden ayudarlo con las solicitudes de vivienda, el acceso a los beneficios e incluso los suministros para la mudanza.


None. (Tarifas: No hay tarifas)


Everyone. (Personas Atendidas: Todos)


None. (Elegibilidad: No hay requisitos)

How to Apply:

Call the center for more information. (Cómo solicitar ayuda: Llame al centro para más información.)

Service Categories

Housing, Help Find Housing
Mobile Clinic


Healthcare for the Homeless is now offering a mobile clinic service at various locations throughout the city. The mobile clinic hours are typically Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1pm-4pm, and Thursdays from 8am-12pm. Click here to view the updated July 2022 schedule with times and locations.

Healthcare for the Homeless ahora ofrece un servicio de clínica móvil en varios lugares de la ciudad. El horario de atención de la clínica móvil suele ser los lunes, martes, miércoles y viernes de 13:00 a 16:00 horas, y los jueves de 8:00 a 12:00 horas. Haga clic aquí para ver el calendario actualizado de Julio de 2022 con horarios y ubicaciones.


None. (Tarifas: No hay tarifas)


Everyone. (Personas Atendidas: Todos)


None. (Elegibilidad: No hay requisitos)

Service Categories

Sarah's Hope


INTAKE: All referring agencies should contact the Baltimore County DSS for space availability. Can accommodate women, single or with children; men admitted with their biological or legally adopted children or as part of a married couple, must provide proper documentation within two weeks. New families must enter between Noon-2PM or 6-7PM. New guests must enter at 1505 Hospital Drive. OVERVIEW: Provides 24-hour shelter and support services to homeless families and single women. Clients are linked to outside services such as employment counseling, adult education, mental health, substance abuse and housing assistance. Support services include: meals, showers, laundry, counseling, case management, mail receipt and phone access. The maximum length of stay is 4-6 months. VOLUNTEERS: Adults welcome to prepare/serve meals, organize/sort donations, facilitate workshops, and conduct social/administrative tasks. Home visits: No

Regular Schedule

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -




Homeless families and single women. Men must have children.

How to Apply:

See notes.
Health Services for the Homeless


Call 410-703-1468 to schedule an appointment. Telehealth appointment are also available. Appointments are available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30am-5pm; Thursdays from 8:30am- 12pm. Same day appointments available.
Services include adult, pediatric and family medical care, case management (including insurance and benefits enrollment), psychiatry, substance use disorder (addiction) treatment, behavioral health therapy. Call to set up an appointment.

Llame al 410-703-1468 para programar una cita. Las citas de telesalud también están disponibles. Las citas están disponibles los lunes, martes, miércoles y viernes de 8:30 am a 5 pm; Jueves de 8:30 a 12 hs. Citas disponibles para el mismo día.
Los servicios incluyen atención médica para adultos, pediátrica y familiar, administración de casos (incluida la inscripción en seguros y beneficios), psiquiatría, tratamiento de trastornos por uso de sustancias (adicción), terapia de salud conductual. Llame para programar una cita.

How to Apply:

All clients should call 410-837-5533 to schedule appointments and to determine whether an in-person visit is necessary. Temperature checks will be done at the door. (Cómo solicitar ayuda: Todos los clientes deben llamar al 410-837-5533 para programar citas y determinar si es necesaria una visita en persona. Los controles de temperatura se realizarán en la puerta.)

Service Categories
