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Connect with resources in Baltimore City


Baltimore Neighbors Network (Se Habla Español) (BNN)

Baltimore Neighbors Network (Se Habla Español) (BNN)

Healing City Baltimore


BNN will connect you with a volunteer to tell you about community resources, or get you in contact with a mental health professional. (Conectarse con un voluntario para concocer recursos)


(410) 324-2917 voice



Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -

General Information

The Baltimore Neighbors Network (BNN) will connect you with a trained volunteer or "neighbor" to chat with about your day, find out about resources, or get in contact with a mental health support professional for free. Request a call back or email through the website to get connected, they typically take one day to get back to you.

Baltimore Neighbors Network (BNN por sus siglas en inglés) lo conectará con un voluntario entrenado o "vecino" para conversar sobre su día, conocer recursos o ponerse en contacto con un profesional de apoyo de salud mental de forma gratuita. Solicite una devolución de llamada o un correo electrónico a través del sitio web para conectarse, por lo general tardan un día en comunicarse con usted.


Baltimore Neighbors Network (Red de vecinos de Baltimore) (BNN)


Get connected to a neighbor for support: Connect to chat with someone about your day, connect to resources, and connect to a mental health support professional for free. BNN volunteers will not ask for personal information and will not solicit in any way.

Conéctese con un vecino para recibir apoyo: conéctese para chatear con alguien sobre su día, conéctese con recursos y con un profesional de apoyo de salud mental de forma gratuita. Los voluntarios de BNN no pedirán información personal y no la solicitarán de ninguna manera. Servicios solo se ofrecen en inglés.

Regular Schedule

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -



How to Apply:

Call the number listed on this page and leave a voicemail message for BNN to call you back (don't forget to leave your name and number). They typically take a day to get back to you.


  • English
  • Spanish