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Grace Baptist Church

Grace Baptist Church

Food Rescue Baltimore


A food giveaway is an event where people can get free food. At these events, there are tables or trucks with different kinds of food like fruits, vegetables, and snacks. People who need food can come and take what they need.


(410) 235-0784 voice


3201 The Alameda
Baltimore, MD 21218

General Information

Free Food available EVERY Friday at 11:30 AM. Bring a bag.

To maintain safe social-distancing measures during COVID-19, food is likely to be pre-boxed upon pickup.

Comida gratis para llevar ** TODOS los Viernes a las 11:30 AM. ** Traiga una bolsa. Para mantener medidas seguras de distanciamiento social durante el COVID-19, los alimentos pueden estar pre-empaquetados al momento de la recogida.


Free Food (Comida Gratis)


Free food is available EVERY Friday starting at 11:30am. The church will be open until all food runs out. Please use the RED side door located on the corner of East 32nd street. Bring bags!


(410) 235-0784 voice

Regular Schedule

Friday: -


There are no fees for this service. (Tarifas: No hay tarifas para este servicio)


This service is available to everyone in need of food. (Personas atendidas: Este servicio está disponible para todas en necesitan alimentos)


There are no eligibility criteria for this service. (Elegilibidad: No hay criterios de elegibilidad para este servicio.)

How to Apply:

There is no application process.


  • English

Service Categories

Food, Food Pantry