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Druid Heights Community Development Corporation, Inc. (Druid Heights CDC)
Economic, educational, employment and affordable housing opportunities.
(410) 523-1350 voice
711 tty
(410) 523-1374 fax
2140 McCulloh StBaltimore, MD 21217
General Information
DHCDC is a non profit community-based, community development corporation with a goal to restore the neighborhood with self-empowerment, employment and economic opportunities. We create a stable and safe community environment.
Services include community resources, a reentry program, housing, and real estate development. We manage 22 single parent tr… ransitional housing units for the homeless families serving a minimum of 75 people.
The purpose of the After School Homework Assistance and Tutorial program is to provide a safe, drug free environment for children in the community to gather for focus, study and fun. Meals and social support also provided.
Regular Schedule
Service Categories
March Meeting is on March 25, 2023 from 1-3PM!
Our monthly community meeting is for community self-empowerment. Residents from the community are invited to learn of available resources, meet with law enforcement representatives, discuss issues in the community and be involved in solutions to bring economical stability and vitality to the neighborhood.
Myrtle Howerton Room of the Community CenterHow to Apply:
Contact Azalee Fisher, Director of Community Resources, at 410-523-1350.About
Provides community support to seniors.
We assist with energy assistance referrals, job search and resume preparation, housing, food, clothing and shelter referrals. Our staff is also devoted to finding recovery housing and treatment centers to meet the needs of people in recovery seeking treatment.
Service Categories
Computers and Internet are available from 9AM -5PM (children under 18 are not allowed during school hours).
Service Categories
The Framing Hope program provides resources and gifts to the community as we work to build affordable homes and people. We serve approximately 500 children each year and 3,000 families, children receiving holiday gifts and parents receiving small appliances and household goods.
Service Categories
Help you find ways to meet your financial obligations.
Service Categories
Organization sponsors programs for and designed by youth in the community. Druid Heights CDC mentors 3 youth per year by providing guidance, mentorship and stipends. Our goal is to mentor 60 youth through additional youth driven initiatives.
How to Apply:
For more information please contact Tavon Benson at 410-523-1350.About
Offers counseling in financial planning, pre – and post-purchase, default and delinquency prevention, predatory lending, HECM (Reverse Mortgage) and other aspects of homeownership and tenancy.
Provide first time homebuyers with the tools necessary to ensure sustainable homeownership.
How to Apply:
Contact for help with the application.Service Categories
Focuses on ex-offenders that are just released from prison.
You will participate in a 1 year program divided into 4 stages. Provides referral resources to clients for housing, detoxification from substance abuse, one on one counseling, NA/AA meetings, GED program, Job Skills learning, computer literacy, and employment resources.
All servi… ices include: housing, education, employment assistance, peer mentoring or case management, physical and mental health services, family reunification, life skills, anger management, conflict resolution, computer literacy, job readiness, resume writing, and job placement assistance.
(410) 523-1350 x 234 voice
The Carrollton Transitional HouseAudience:
Must be willing to enter a 7 to 30 day detoxification treatment.Eligibility:
Men and women 25 and older who have a history of criminal justice involvement and substance abuse.How to Apply:
Contact Andre Fisher, Case Manager, at Categories
Provides quality home-ownership and rental housing opportunities to households with low moderate and upper income households in the Druid Heights Neighborhood and throughout Baltimore.
Service Categories
Home Buying Workshops are via Zoom on the 1st Saturday of the month from 9AM - 4PM however, there are exceptions.
2022 Schedule:
- August 6
- September 10
- October 1
- November 5
- December 3
Anyone arriving after 9:15 must reschedule.
(410) 523-1350 voice
711 tty
Regular Schedule
How to Apply:
Call us to sign up.Service Categories
Assists with energy assistance referrals, job search/readiness, housing, food, clothing, shelter referrals. Also provides after school homework assistance for youth. Also devoted to finding treatment centers for those in recovery. Provides re-entry program for ex-offenders and case management with peer mentoring. Promotes housing and real estate development sales. Offers a senior program
Regular Schedule
DHCDC is a non profit community-based, community development corporation. Our overall goal is to accelerate the revitalization of the neighborhood with self-empowerment, employment and economic opportunities all while creating a stable and safe community environment.