Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Baltimore Child & Adolescent Response System (BCARS)
Catholic Charities of Baltimore City
Supportive stabilization and crisis intervention services.
People We Serve
Children in traditional, kinship or treatment foster care.
(667) 600-2880 voice
1118 Light Street, Suite 200Baltimore, MD 21230
General Information
Services are offered to foster families and are accessed by referral from a DSS caseworker and/or a family can request services themselves.
Services include: Emergency Department Diversion; Community-Based Crisis Services; 24/7 Hotline; Urgent Care Clinic; Short-Term Intensive Individual/Family Therapy; Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services; Psychiat… tric Assessment; Medication Management; Crisis Response to Baltimore City Public Schools.
Contact form available HERE.
BCARS and the Baltimore City Department of Social Services partnered for children experiencing difficulties in foster care placement to receive quick supports and counseling geared toward stabilizing their placements.
Urgent 24/7 response is possible, with expected response time under 2 hours.
Services are individualized and can include phone referral or direct face-to-face supports anywhere from 1-42 days.
The goals of treatment are to avoid an inpatient hospitalization, stabilize the crisis, and link children and families to services that will help them long term